Labour market and earnings;Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants
aku, Labour force survey, LFS, labour market, employees, unemployed, economically active, labour force, labour force status, employees by industry, underemployment, part-time work, hours of work, temporary staffUnemployment , Employment , Labour market and earnings, Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants

Labour force surveyQ2 2019



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Population aged 15-74, by labour force status and sex
2nd quarter 20192nd quarter 2018 - 2nd quarter 2019
Absolute numbersPer cent1Change in absolute numbersChange in percentage points1
1The labour force is calculated as a share of the population in the same age group. Labour force = number of employed persons + number of unemployed persons. Employed persons is calculated as a share of the population in the same age group. Unemployed is calculated as a share of the labour force in the same age group.
Labour force
Both sexes2 816 00070.210 000-0.2
Males1 493 00073.02 000-0.3
Females1 323 00067.38 0000.0
Employed persons
Both sexes2 719 00067.822 0000.2
Males1 436 00070.28 0000.0
Females1 283 00065.214 0000.2
Both sexes97 0003.4-12 000-0.5
Males56 0003.8-7 000-0.4
Females40 0003.1-6 000-0.4