Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Employment, register-based

The main purpose is to describe the employment on a detailed regional level. The statistics are based on persons registered as residents in the Central Population Register, which means that they expect to stay in Norway for at least six months.

Updated: 26 February 2025
Next update: 26 February 2026

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Employed persons 15-74 years, by county of work. Person and per cent. 4th quarter
    Employed persons 15-74 years, by county of work. Person and per cent. 4th quarter
    20242023 - 20242023 - 2024
    PersonsPersonsPer cent
    The whole country2 863 31718 0100.6
    Østfold127 619-201-0.2
    Akershus317 6193 4471.1
    Oslo536 6112 2180.4
    Innlandet174 632-10.0
    Buskerud126 3656160.5
    Vestfold113 2392320.2
    Telemark78 8465260.7
    Agder148 4461 2030.8
    Rogaland266 6523 1421.2
    Vestland335 3743 7471.1
    Møre og Romsdal133 6779200.7
    Trøndelag248 3814130.2
    Nordland119 050610.1
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa90 0531 4781.7
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku38 058610.2
    Explanation of symbols
  • Employed persons 15-74 years, by sex and industry division. 4th quarter.
    Employed persons 15-74 years, by sex and industry division. 4th quarter.1
    20242023 -2024
    Absolute figuresChange, per cent
    Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales
    All industries2 863 3161 507 4111 355 9050.60.50.8
    Agriculture, forestry and fishing65 33450 02115 313-0.1-0.30.5
    Mining and quarrying66 26651 68514 5814.03.55.5
    Manufacture217 339163 41753 9220.90.62.1
    Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management37 22228 4888 7342.72.43.4
    Construction237 440214 89622 544-2.0-2.31.3
    Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles354 444194 401160 0430.0-0.10.1
    Transportation and storage136 739110 09026 6492.01.82.6
    Accommodation and food service activities104 34046 32058 0201.72.21.3
    Information and communication116 91381 99734 916-0.20.0-0.7
    Financial and insurance activities53 61429 00424 6103.63.73.6
    Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities195 306112 78182 5250.70.70.7
    Administrative and support service activities128 92872 15656 772-1.7-1.0-2.5
    Public adm., defence, soc. security179 80386 96192 8422.01.42.6
    Education234 47078 876155 594-0.3-0.5-0.2
    Human health and social work activities594 496123 307471 1891.22.40.9
    Other service activities121 68652 13869 5481.81.81.8
    Unspecified18 97610 8738 1030.52.8-2.4
    1As from 2015, the statistics are based on new data sources (a-ordningen), see further details in «About the statistics». The total number of employed persons is no longer coordinated with the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as before 2015, and does not correspond any more with LFS’s total number of employed. The figures for 2015 and onwards are therefore not comparable with the figures for previous years. For more information, see the article linked to the 2015-figures:
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 7 February 2023.

Employed persons are persons between 15-74 years of age who performed work for pay or profit for at least one hour in the reference week, or who were temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays etc. Conscripts are classified as employed persons. Persons engaged by government measures to promote employment are also included if they receive wages. This follows recommendations from the International Labour Organization, ILO.

The age is given in complete years at the end of the year.

If employed persons have more than one employment in the reference week, one is determined as the most important. Information on individuals’ work- and business related variables comes from the main employment.

Person-related variables

The features residence, gender and age are collected from the National Registry.

Information about residence is collected at the end of the reference week. For the period 2000-2014 this implies the 3rd week of November. From 2015 onwards residence is collected at the end of the given statistical month.

Information about age is collected at the end of the year for the period 2000-2005. In 2006 the minimum age to be counted as employed was lowered from 16 to 15 years, in accordance with international recommendations. Also, the definition of age was changed from age at the end of the year to age at the end of the reference week. From 2015 onwards age is collected at the 16th of November.

Employment-related variables

From 2015 onwards

Working hours are calculated using the number of hours per week that constitute a full-time position, the percentage of the position and the number of paid hours.

Contractual percentage of full-time equivalent

Contractual percentage of full-time equivalent is what you have agreed to work according to your contract of employment. The employer shall not consider additional work, overtime or different types of absence from work or if the hours have been paid or not. The information on contractual percentage of full-time equivalent is based on what is reported to the a-ordningen.

For persons that are paid by the hour without contractual working hours per week, e.g. on-call temporary workers, the employer can report 0 as contractual percentage of full-time equivalent. Statistics Norway will then calculate contractual percentage of full-time equivalent from what is reported as paid hours and number of hours that corresponds to a 100 per cent position in the moth of reporting.

Contractual working hours per week

By combining information regarding contractual percentage of full-time equivalent and number of hours per week in a full position, contractual working hours per week is calculated for each employment (job) and wage earner (person).

The number of hours in a full position is the number of working hours that makes a full position in a similar employment. Unpaid lunchbreaks are withdrawn, but it is not adjusted for potential additional work, overtime or different types of absence from work.

Contractual full-time/part-time

Full time is when the contractual percentage of full-time equivalent equals 100 or more. Part-time is when the contractual percentage of full-time equivalent is less than 100.

Working time arrangement

A working time arrangement is an agreement concerning when in the day the work will be performed and any variations in this arrangement over a period of time. The variable included in the statistics describes whether the work is carried out as shift and rotational work.

It is mandatory for employers to provide information about the working time arrangement for all ordinary and maritime employment to a-ordningen. Employed persons without said employment types are registered with unspecified working time arrangement in the statistics. This is because it is voluntary for employers to provide information on working time arrangements for the employment type "Freelancers, contractors and fee recipients" ( In addition, some employees are defined from data sources other than a-ordningen. Furthermore, Statistics Norway does not have information regarding working time arrangements for self-employed persons.

Please see the a-melding guide for more information about working time arrangements (

Type of appointment

Type of appointment denotes whether the employee is employed on a permanent or temporary basis. If the employee has a permanent position, the employment relationship is continuous and not time-limited. If the employment is temporary, the employment relationship is determined for a limited period or for a specific assignment, and this must be specified in the contract.

As of 2021, it became mandatory for employers to provide information about type of appointment, either permanent or temporary, for ordinary and maritime employments to a-ordningen. Employed persons without said employment types are registered with unspecified working time arrangement in the statistics. This is because it is voluntary for employers to provide information on type of appointment for the employment type "Freelancers, contractors and fee recipients" ( In addition, some employees are defined from data sources other than a-ordningen. Furthermore, Statistics Norway does not have information regarding type of appointment for self-employed persons.

Please see the a-melding guide for more information about type of appointment (

Occupational code

In a-ordningen occupational code is also delivered for employees in the central government. Previously, the position percentage for this group had to be calculated using statistical methods based on other sources of data.

From 2000-2014

Working hours is the scheduled working hours per week divided into three intervals: 1-19 hours per week, 20-29 hours, and 30 hours per week and above. For 90 per cent of the employed persons, information is obtained from the Ee-register. For those classified as employed persons on the basis of information from The Register of End of the Year Certificates (as one of the sources), the size of the annual income is used to calculate weekly hours of work. The working hours for self-employed persons are the average working hours per week, calculated on the basis of entrepreneurial income and information from the Labour Force Survey, LFS.

For employed persons in the Ee-register, the occupational code is supplied by the employer, or encoded from the occupational title. For other employed persons, the occupational distribution is estimated using statistical methods and other sources of data.

Employer-related variables

The information about the municipality of work and industry is obtained from the Central Register of Business Establishments and Enterprises (CRE) and uses information on the enterprise where people work. For self-employed who are not related to either an enterprise or an establishment, information on residency, education and the independent enterprise of family members are used to decide the necessary variables. The work place for seafarers and employees in the National defence is set equal to the municipality of residence.

Information about the sector is based on the institutional sector classification and is retrieved from the CRE.

The industrial classification is in accordance with the revised Standard Industrial Classification (NOS D 383), which is based on the EU-standard of NACE Rev. 2.

The occupational classification is in accordance with Standard Classification of Occupations (STYRK 2008), which is based on ISCO 08 (COM).

The educational classification is in accordance with the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education Revised 2000 (NOS C 617).

Breakdown by municipality is in accordance with the list of municipalities as of January 1st in the production year (which is the following year when the data was gathered).

The sector classification is in accordance with the Classification of Institutional Sector.

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