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General government surplus for 2024 is calculated at NOK 688 billion – approximately 150 billion lower than in 2023. The substantial surplus in 2024, as well as the reduction from the previous year, is explained by the petroleum sector.

In the period of February 24th – March 2nd the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 92.67 per kilo, down by 0.3 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

An increase in Norwegian and foreign guest nights at the hotels in January, contributed to an increase of 8 percent compared to January 2024.

The current account surplus versus abroad was NOK 211 billion for the fourth quarter of 2024. Norway’s net foreign assets, or net International Investment Position (IIP), rose sharply to NOK 19 696 billion during the year 2024, which was an increase of 29 per cent from the year before.

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