Persons with refugee background

Updated: 4 July 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Proportion of persons of the population with refugee background
Proportion of persons of the population with refugee background
% as of 1.1.2024
Persons with refugee background. 1 January
Persons with refugee background. 1 January
20242023 - 20242024
Change in per centProportion of persons with refugee background of all immigrants. Per centProportion of persons with refugee background of the whole population. Per cent
Total315 18212.633.95.7
Principal applicants244 96615.726.34.4
Asylum seekers116 1171.112.52.1
Resettlement refugees50 3424.05.40.9
Other refugees70 64874.57.61.3
Unspecified7 859-
By family connection to refugee70 2162.77.51.3
Family enlargement19 6084.42.10.4
Family reunification50 5622.15.40.9
Family unspecified460.00.00.0
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Persons with refugee background, by years of residence and country background
    Persons with refugee background, by years of residence and country background
    0-4 years of residence5-9 years of residence10-19 years of residence20 years and more of residence
    Western Europe286223244349
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK and new EU countries after 200460 7159936 26724 310
    Africa10 37319 86533 31716 230
    Asia17 71837 34330 25750 970
    North-America and Oceania26173698
    Latin America and the Caribbean221432824 999
    Unknown and other0000
    Explanation of symbols
  • Persons with refugee background by sex and citizenship.
    Persons with refugee background by sex and citizenship.
    Refugees with Norwegian citizenship, total184 70699 73984 967
    Western Europe502246256
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK and new EU countries after 200427 19013 36213 828
    Africa56 91331 01125 902
    Asia95 57552 86642 709
    North-America and Oceania703931
    Latin America and the Caribbean4 4562 2152 241
    Refugees with foreign citizenship, total130 47662 04768 429
    Western Europe600302298
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK and new EU countries after 200465 09527 30037 795
    Africa22 87211 44111 431
    Asia40 71322 35118 362
    North-America and Oceania1074958
    Latin America and the Caribbean1 089604485
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics show the number of resident immigrants with refugee background as of 1 January every year.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 3 June 2021.


Who is regarded as a resident of Norway and where in Norway a person shall be counted as a resident, is stipulated in the Population Registration Act of 16 January 1970. The regulations to the act were last amended effective 1 October 1998.

Duration of residence

Shows residence period in whole years as of the date of the file.

National background

Own, or mother's, or father's foreign country of birth. Immigrant category A has only 000 (Norway) as a national background.


Current age.


Current citizenship.

Persons with refugee background

Refers to people with refugee as reason for immigration, as well as immigrants with family as reason for immigration who are reunited with a person with reason refugee.

Type of family unification

The variable specifies all family immigrations, distinguishing between reunification, accompanying person and formation/extension data. The classification is mainly based on assessments of dates of immigration and marriage (when relevant) of both the immigrant and the reference person, and on registrations of that variable in the UDB data.

Asylum seekers

Asylum cases or residence on humanitarian grounds.

Resettlement refugees

Refugees who are permitted to come to Norway following an organised selection, normally in conjuction with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In accordance with a proposal from the government, the parliament sets an annual quota for the number of resettlement refugees to be received by Norway.

"Other refugees"

Eefugees with families from mainly Bosnia and Herzegovina who have been granted a collective assesment.

Simplified reason for immigration

Variable based on data from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, in which escape has been given as a reason for the application for asylum.

Name: Persons with refugee background
Topic: Population

Not yet determined

Division for Population Statistics

The nation and the counties.

The base data are on person level and can technically be distributed on all regional levels. Confidential considerations determine the regional level to be used in each case.


Not relevant

Data files at the individual level that are processed and stored long-term.

The statistics are compiled to distinguish persons with a refugee background from other immigrants, and were published for the first time in 1999 as Dagens statistikk (Daily Statistics), Refugees 1 January 1998. Since then it has been published regularly.

It is not meant to replace the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration's statistics on decisions and legal grounds. The figures are not necessarily in agreement with the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration's statistics on decisions and legal grounds.

Research institutes, public administration, the media and private persons.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 08 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Statistics on persons with refugee background show population numbers. The area is clearly connected with other migration statistics. Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents and Immigrants by reason for immigration

Immigration and emigration numbers can be found in the migration statistics for each calendar year.

Statistics Act § 10

Not relevant

Covers all persons who at one time arrived in Norway as refugees (including families) and neither have parents nor grandparents born in Norway, registered as a resident of Norway on 1 January (for who is counted for as a resident of Norway, see section 4.1 in "About the statistics) The persons does not necessarily have refugee status under the Geneva Convention. Children born to refugees after their arrival in Norway are not counted

Who is regarded as a resident of Norway and where in Norway a person will be counted as a resident, is stipulated in the Population Registration Act of 16 January 1970. The regulations to the act were last amended effective 1 October 1998.

Asylum seekers and persons on short-term stays (less than six months) are not registered as residents in the population register and thus not included in the statistics.

The data is the result of a linkage between different data sources. The most important data sources are the Central Population Register (CPR) in the Directorate of Taxes, and the Aliens Register (Utlendingsdatabasen –UDB) in the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.

The CPR is the most important data source in Statistics Norway's population statistics system. In addition, data from the 1960 and 1970 population censuses are included as a supplement. The same applies to older statistical files which originate from population register data. The definition of first-time immigrations is based on CPR data alone.

In 2004, UDB replaced the Fremkon register (the old Aliens register) and the Refugee Register. Central information from these two registers were adapted to new standards and included in UDB. As a result, UDB now contains data going back to 1991, several years before UDB was introduced in the handling of cases.

The single most important variable in UDB for the statistics is reason for decision. If the information on that variable is missing, other similar variables are used.

An important supplementary source is the 2004 edition of the file for reason for immigration produced in 1995 and updated by use of data from the Refugee Register. It covers the persons that do not have satisfying information in UDB.

The population register data have been processed. The new focus in the processing leading to reason for immigration is the task to achieve the best linkage possible between the ID number in UDB and Personal Identification Number, and subsequently to find the first reason for immigration for as many foreign-born as possible.

The process of obtaining a linkage between the two ID number series is based on links that are found both in UDB and CPR. These links are controlled, linked and compared, and improved considerably. The result is a common definition of the persons in the two input data sets.

When this task is accomplished, the next step is to find the information in UDB that, as best as possible, states the reason for the first immigration event registered in the CPR.

One challenge in this connection is that most persons are registered with several cases (even if most of them are just renewals), and that the information may differ from case to case. In many cases the most specific information is found on some of the later cases registered on a person. For some persons this comprehensive information is copied to the former cases.

Another challenge is to identify the case which most probably is related to the first immigration registered in the CPR. There are no variables in UDB that make it possible to pick out the most relevant case in all cases.

The main principle is that the reason for immigration is taken from the last registration before the immigration was registered in the CPR, but there are exceptions if the actual case does not provide sufficient and reliable information. In these cases other registrations or sources are used as indication of the reason for immigration.

One of these supplementary sources is the file of reason for immigration produced in 2006. That year the task was resolved by finding the most relevant case for each of the main reasons, and then make a choice between these reasons (for persons with more than one main reason). The choice was based on the main reason which is seen as the most reliable in each case. In reality, refugee as reason for immigration was chosen before the others.

In case of missing source of reason for immigration imputations are made, based on variables like citizenship and age at the immigration. In general, there is a greater need for imputations in the older data (from the beginning of the 1990s and earlier) than in data registered in the new UDB system (started in 2004).

In this process, some children without their own reason for immigration get a value from their parents.

The problems with varying reliability may have the effect that some persons are allocated e.g. Refugee as the reason for immigration in stead of Family, as would have been the result if the registrations had been more complete.

The next challenge is to identify the most probable reference in Norway (the "resident person") in family immigration cases. If this reference is not stated in the UDB data, CPR information on relationships is used to find the spouse, children, parents or siblings that possibly may have been the reference at the first immigration. In this process spouse takes precedence over the other categories. The method identifies persons that may have been the reference for foreign-born. However, the method does not guarantee that the identified person actually and legally was the reference.

The construction of a variable called "type of family unification" (distinguishing between reunification, accompanying person and formation/extension) also causes several challenges, both concerning missing data and conceptual difficulties. The classification is mainly based on assessments of dates of immigration and marriage (when relevant) of both the immigrant and the reference person, and on registrations of that variable in the UDB data. The determination of limit values used in the classification is based on assessments.

Not relevant.

Data from the Population Register is transfered to SSB every day. SSB receives a file with data from UDB once a year.

In addition to the checks made by the DSF, Statistics Norway performs checks for statistical purposes. For more details of our control routines in the various subject areas, see: Dokumentasjon av BESYS-befolkningsstatistikksystemet. Befolkningsendringer i 1998 og befolkningsbasen (BEBAS) 1. januar 2000. Anne Sofie Brørs, Kirsten Dybendal, Aslaug Hurlen Foss og Trude Jakobsen, Notat 2000/24 Statistisk sentralbyrå. (In Norwegian only)

Not relevant.

Not relevant

If a figure in a table consists of three or fewer units and disclosing these units can lead to identification of individuals, the figure is rounded up or the table cell left empty.

Time: The figures are comparable from 1998, the first year the statistics were published.

Place: Because the population is small, the figures are little suited to analysis at the smallest geographical level. In many municipalities, particularly the small ones, the figures from year to year can vary considerably, often because of the location of the reception centres for asylum seekers.

Figures at the municipal level have to be specially ordered and meet privacy protection requirements.

Some errors in connection with collecting and processing data are unavoidable and may include coding, revision and data processing errors. The processing includes imputations and decisions which may be debatable. New information in the future may lead to the correction of errors made on an earlier occasion.

Errors and uncertainties are more common in the oldest data (especially in 1990).

The quality of the basic data from the Central Population Register is generally very good for statistical purposes. Two drawbacks are nevertheless late or missing notifications and registration of residence.

Some persons neglect to register emigration and it results in missing notifications. Late notifications cause events to be recorded and counted during the wrong calendar year. This is less problematic when the numbers are added up for several years.

Not relevant

Key figure pages


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