Do you know how many immigrants live in Norway, what the most common reasons for immigration are, or where the immigrants come from? Here you will find facts and figures.
Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents
Proportion of the population
Fertility in the population
Immigration and emigration
Projected population until 2060
Reason for immigration

Family immigration rose significantly in 2021 compared to the previous year. However, the number of family immigrations did not rise as much as other types of immigration. Fewer persons came to establish family with persons without immigrant background compared to before the pandemic.
Asylum seekers
Statistics Norway publishes statistics on those who have legal residence in Norway. We do not have statistics on asylum seekers, ie people who have applied for protection (asylum) in Norway, but have not had their application finally decided.
Introduction programme
Introduction program and introduction benefit for newly arrived immigrants is a mandatory scheme for all Norwegian municipalities. Teaching Norwegian language and social studies is central to the introductory scheme, together with work practice and other measures that prepare for participation in working life and / or education.