Analyses, articles and publications
Refugees inside and outside the labour market 2023
The employment rate among refugees 15-66 years old has decreased during the last few years. In 2023 it was 50.7 per cent, which was 5.1 percentage points lower than the rate in 2021.
Projection of supply and demand for education towards 2050
This report presents projections of the supply and demand for labor at the national level by education for the period going forward to 2050. The main purpose is to identify potential imbalances between the supply and demand for labor with different types of education that may arise in the future, so that measures can be implemented to counteract any imbalances.
The decline in temporary employment agency activities has stopped
Throughout 2023, there was a significant decline in the number of employees in temporary employment agency activities. The decline has not been as steep in 2024.
LÆRERMOD 2.0 Technical documentation of Statistics Norway’s teacher projection model
This documentation highlights the new version of LÆRERMOD - assumptions, equations, and implementation in Python.
People aged 16 -39 years with immigrant background in employment and education 2022
This report describes the disparities in the shares of persons aged 16-39 who are in employment or education (i.e. the share of the population that is active).
Weighting methodology for the Norwegian Labour Force Survey from 2021 onwards
This document provides the background of the revision that was made in 2021 in the weighting methodology for the Norwegian Labour Force Survey (NLFS), and practical and technical details behind the calculation of monthly and quarterly individual weights and yearly household weights.
Starting and maintaining immigrants' self-employment
This report analyzes the transition to self-employment among immigrants and others with an immigrant background compared to the natives, and to what extent they maintain their businesses.
Teacher Projections 2020-2040
We project a surplus in 2040 of kindergarten teachers, compulsory school teachers, and teachers in upper secondary education (i.e., subject teachers, vocational teachers, and those with practical pedagogical education), except for those with practical pedagogical education in vocational subjects.
Refugees inside and outside the labour market 2021
55.8 per cent of the refugees 15-66 years old were employed in the 4th quarter of 2021. In the whole Norwegian population of the same age 73.7 per cent were employed. There was an increase in the employment rate of 4.1 percentage points among the refugees and an increase of 1.8 percentage point in the total population from 2020 to 2021.
Education and occupation
This report uses information on employees from register-based employment (2003–2014) and a-ordningen (coordinated reporting by employers about income and employees to NAV, Statistics Norway, and the Norwegian Tax Administration, 2015–2022), as well as advertised positions from NAV and Statistics Norway (2015–2022) to examine relationships between education and occupation.
Older analyses, articles and publications
about subtopic employment.