Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Employment among immigrants, register-based
The register based statistics describe the level of employment among immigrants, divided by world regions and country of birth. The immigrant figures are compared to employment figures within the rest of the population. Occupation, industry and working hours are also included in the statistics.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Employed (20-66 years), by immigrant-background and world region. 4th quarterDownload table as ...Employed (20-66 years), by immigrant-background and world region. 4th quarter
2024 Change last year Absolute figures Per cent share in each group 2023 -2024 Number of employed Percentage points Population in total 2 625 451 76.9 10 777 -0.3 Non-immigrant population 2 091 106 79.7 -4 523 -0.1 Immigrants, total 534 329 67.7 15 303 -0.5 Nordic countries except Norway 43 650 80.0 -21 -0.5 EU/EFTA until 2004 except the Nordic countries 55 079 75.1 1 325 -1.4 New EU countries after 2004 145 568 74.9 -649 -2.3 Europe except EU/EFTA/UK 58 919 54.2 8 632 2.7 North America and Oceania 8 437 69.3 107 -0.1 Asia 148 379 64.3 3 683 -0.2 Africa 56 354 62.1 1 828 0.5 Latin America and the Caribbean 17 943 72.0 398 -0.1 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Employed persons (20-66 years) by occupation, sex and country backgroundDownload table as ...Employed persons (20-66 years) by occupation, sex and country background
2024 Non-immigrant population Immigrants, total Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Absolute figures All occupations 2 091 106 1 091 355 999 751 534 328 285 240 249 088 252 686 146 819 105 867 281 643 138 420 143 223 Managers 207 233 125 720 81 513 25 041 15 325 9 716 15 160 9 225 5 935 9 880 6 099 3 781 Professionals 623 228 239 575 383 653 100 575 43 722 56 853 51 759 22 285 29 474 48 816 21 437 27 379 Technicians and associate professionals, armed forces 348 315 215 371 132 944 51 531 30 198 21 333 25 200 15 600 9 600 26 331 14 598 11 733 Clerical support workers 124 000 54 709 69 291 29 844 14 995 14 849 13 669 5 912 7 757 16 176 9 082 7 094 Service and sales workers 367 421 118 788 248 633 129 896 44 476 85 420 37 629 13 062 24 567 92 268 31 415 60 853 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 13 382 9 823 3 559 4 002 2 918 1 084 2 664 1 989 675 1 338 929 409 Craft and related trades workers 144 248 135 450 8 798 58 434 56 376 2 058 43 206 41 980 1 226 15 228 14 396 832 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 109 866 95 691 14 175 45 688 35 986 9 702 22 961 17 692 5 269 22 726 18 293 4 433 Elementary occupations 51 175 30 302 20 873 62 604 25 001 37 603 27 095 11 302 15 793 35 509 13 699 21 810 Per cent Managers 9.9 11.5 8.2 4.7 5.4 3.9 6.0 6.3 5.6 3.5 4.4 2.6 Professionals 29.8 22.0 38.4 18.8 15.3 22.8 20.5 15.2 27.8 17.3 15.5 19.1 Technicians and associate professionals, armed forces 16.7 19.7 13.3 9.6 10.6 8.6 10.0 10.6 9.1 9.3 10.5 8.2 Clerical support workers 5.9 5.0 6.9 5.6 5.3 6.0 5.4 4.0 7.3 5.7 6.6 5.0 Service and sales workers 17.6 10.9 24.9 24.3 15.6 34.3 14.9 8.9 23.2 32.8 22.7 42.5 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.4 1.1 1.4 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.3 Craft and related trades workers 6.9 12.4 0.9 10.9 19.8 0.8 17.1 28.6 1.2 5.4 10.4 0.6 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 5.3 8.8 1.4 8.6 12.6 3.9 9.1 12.1 5.0 8.1 13.2 3.1 Elementary occupations 2.4 2.8 2.1 11.7 8.8 15.1 10.7 7.7 14.9 12.6 9.9 15.2 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Employed immigrants (20-66 years), by country of birth and sex. 4th quarterDownload table as ...Employed immigrants (20-66 years), by country of birth and sex. 4th quarter1
2024 Absolute figures Per cent Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females All immigrants 534 346 285 250 249 096 67.7 70.5 64.7 Denmark 9 928 5 859 4 069 77.6 79.5 75.1 Finland 3 680 1 380 2 300 74.3 72.8 75.2 Iceland 3 868 1 968 1 900 74.8 75.3 74.2 Sweden 25 771 13 677 12 094 82.8 83.5 82.1 Bosnia-Herzegovina 8 061 4 088 3 973 72.3 73.8 70.8 Kosovo 6 279 3 508 2 771 62.9 67.2 58.3 Latvia 8 866 5 110 3 756 74.2 72.4 76.9 Lithuania 30 196 17 208 12 988 77.3 75.4 79.9 Netherlands 5 492 3 278 2 214 78.4 81.8 74.0 Poland 75 519 47 276 28 243 75.1 74.1 76.8 Romania 11 892 6 662 5 230 71.4 70.4 72.7 Russia 12 202 3 971 8 231 66.1 64.5 67.0 United Kingdom 8 963 6 458 2 505 74.0 77.2 66.9 Türkiye 7 126 4 628 2 498 56.0 64.0 45.5 Germany 17 253 9 206 8 047 77.9 80.5 75.2 Ukraine 18 961 7 422 11 539 36.8 38.1 36.1 Eritrea 15 902 9 733 6 169 74.0 80.8 65.3 Ethiopia 5 518 2 810 2 708 69.5 73.9 65.5 Morocco 3 028 1 678 1 350 53.1 58.6 47.6 Somalia 11 715 6 824 4 891 48.6 53.4 43.3 Afghanistan 10 749 7 476 3 273 63.4 73.0 48.7 Philippines 17 969 3 854 14 115 81.6 85.2 80.7 India 11 245 6 906 4 339 74.6 83.7 63.6 Iraq 11 289 6 669 4 620 53.5 57.0 49.2 Iran 11 526 6 158 5 368 65.0 67.0 62.9 China 5 934 2 363 3 571 69.9 72.3 68.4 Myanmar 2 296 1 161 1 135 74.6 75.9 73.3 Pakistan 11 646 7 416 4 230 60.0 74.7 44.6 Sri Lanka 6 067 3 244 2 823 73.1 76.6 69.3 Syria 13 244 9 679 3 565 46.2 56.2 31.1 Thailand 15 671 2 173 13 498 76.4 74.5 76.7 Vietnam 8 139 3 492 4 647 66.9 68.3 65.9 United States 5 269 2 663 2 606 66.7 69.8 63.8 Chile 3 396 1 815 1 581 70.7 73.4 67.8 1As from 2015, the statistics are based on new data sources (a-ordningen), see further details in «About the statistics». The total number of employed persons is no longer coordinated with the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as before 2015, and does not correspond any more with LFS’s total number of employed. The figures for 2015 and onwards are therefore not comparable with the figures for previous years. For more information, see the article linked to the 2015-figures: Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Employed immigrants (20-66 years) by world region and period of residence in Norway. 4th quarterDownload table as ...Employed immigrants (20-66 years) by world region and period of residence in Norway. 4th quarter1
2024 Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions Absolute figures Less than 1 year 11 652 4 846 1 - 2 years 11 995 12 808 2 - 3 years 11 690 17 462 2 - 4 years 13 062 6 884 4 - 5 years 7 400 5 671 5 - 6 years 8 714 8 791 6 - 7 years 8 547 8 322 7 - 10 years 26 672 37 989 10 - 15 years 66 298 52 804 10 - 15 years 86 656 126 066 Per cent Less than 1 year 69.6 20.3 1 - 2 years 69.0 38.1 2 - 3 years 66.0 55.1 2 - 4 years 69.1 62.1 4 - 5 years 70.2 66.0 5 - 6 years 69.7 69.9 6 - 7 years 73.5 67.8 7 - 10 years 76.0 69.0 10 - 15 years 78.2 72.5 10 - 15 years 79.5 65.1 1As from 2015, the statistics are based on new data sources (a-ordningen), see further details in «About the statistics». The total number of employed persons is no longer coordinated with the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as before 2015, and does not correspond any more with LFS’s total number of employed. The figures for 2015 and onwards are therefore not comparable with the figures for previous years. For more information, see the article linked to the 2015-figures: Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Employed (20-66 years) by immigrant background, world region and age. 4th quarterDownload table as ...Employed (20-66 years) by immigrant background, world region and age. 4th quarter1
2024 20-66 years 20-24 years 25-39 years 40-54 years 55-66 years Absolute figures Population in total 2 625 451 227 038 936 147 898 836 563 430 Non-immigrant population 2 091 106 197 307 724 047 676 009 493 743 Immigrants, total 534 329 29 731 212 092 222 821 69 685 Nordic countries except Norway 43 650 1 379 15 199 17 525 9 547 EU/EFTA until 2004 except the Nordic countries 55 079 2 601 20 440 22 073 9 965 New EU countries after 2004 145 568 7 236 56 019 66 619 15 694 Europe except EU/EFTA/UK 58 919 3 338 25 010 23 898 6 673 North America and Oceania 8 437 202 3 414 3 361 1 460 Asia2 148 379 9 442 60 749 59 934 18 254 Africa 56 354 4 911 24 882 21 229 5 332 Latin America and the Caribbean 17 943 622 6 379 8 182 2 760 Per cent Population in total 76.9 67.9 80.9 81.6 68.8 Non-immigrant population 79.7 69.8 84.9 85.2 71.1 Immigrants, total 67.7 57.5 69.7 72.3 55.6 Nordic countries except Norway 80.0 60.4 80.0 85.4 74.6 EU/EFTA until 2004 except the Nordic countries 75.1 42.6 75.0 83.9 73.0 New EU countries after 2004 74.9 67.0 74.7 78.7 65.7 Europe except EU/EFTA/UK 54.2 41.9 59.3 59.0 36.9 North America and Oceania 69.3 29.1 70.7 76.6 64.5 Asia2 64.3 62.9 68.4 67.9 47.3 Africa 62.1 63.3 64.4 64.7 46.5 Latin America and the Caribbean 72.0 58.3 72.8 76.9 62.2 1As from 2015, the statistics are based on new data sources (a-ordningen), see further details in «About the statistics». The total number of employed persons is no longer coordinated with the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as before 2015, and does not correspond any more with LFS’s total number of employed. The figures for 2015 and onwards are therefore not comparable with the figures for previous years. For more information, see the article linked to the 2015-figures: 2Including Turkey. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Download table as ...12551: Employed persons. 4th quarter, by sex, age, main / supplementary work, working hours, contents, year and country background
Employed persons 2023 Non-immigrant population Immigrants, total Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions Both sexes 20-66 years Total for main and supplementary jobs Total 2 095 629 519 026 251 920 267 106 0-9 per cent 32 598 7 503 2 415 5 088 10-19 per cent 49 787 12 094 4 031 8 063 20-29 per cent 51 698 14 229 4 644 9 585 30-39 per cent 29 695 8 598 2 856 5 742 40-49 per cent 37 094 11 520 4 143 7 377 50-59 per cent 57 555 18 125 6 831 11 294 60-69 per cent 40 915 13 096 5 053 8 043 70-79 per cent 38 937 13 044 5 311 7 733 80-89 per cent 74 403 21 783 9 148 12 635 90-99 per cent 37 623 13 730 5 515 8 215 100 per cent or more 1 645 324 385 304 201 973 183 331 Females 20-66 years Total for main and supplementary jobs Total 1 002 185 238 642 103 822 134 820 0-9 per cent 18 479 4 464 1 419 3 045 10-19 per cent 29 786 7 494 2 499 4 995 20-29 per cent 30 907 8 747 2 828 5 919 30-39 per cent 18 611 5 426 1 830 3 596 40-49 per cent 23 345 7 412 2 651 4 761 50-59 per cent 37 770 11 835 4 459 7 376 60-69 per cent 28 141 8 838 3 361 5 477 70-79 per cent 28 612 8 880 3 495 5 385 80-89 per cent 57 281 15 143 6 303 8 840 90-99 per cent 26 223 8 710 3 545 5 165 100 per cent or more 703 030 151 693 71 432 80 261 Males 20-66 years Total for main and supplementary jobs Total 1 093 444 280 384 148 098 132 286 0-9 per cent 14 119 3 039 996 2 043 10-19 per cent 20 001 4 600 1 532 3 068 20-29 per cent 20 791 5 482 1 816 3 666 30-39 per cent 11 084 3 172 1 026 2 146 40-49 per cent 13 749 4 108 1 492 2 616 50-59 per cent 19 785 6 290 2 372 3 918 60-69 per cent 12 774 4 258 1 692 2 566 70-79 per cent 10 325 4 164 1 816 2 348 80-89 per cent 17 122 6 640 2 845 3 795 90-99 per cent 11 400 5 020 1 970 3 050 100 per cent or more 942 294 233 611 130 541 103 070 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 12 September 2021.
Employed persons are persons who performed work for pay for at least one hour in the reference week, or who were temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays etc. are classified as employed persons. Persons engaged by government measures to promote employment are also included if they receive wages.
Immigrants are persons born abroad by foreign born parents.
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents are persons that are born in Norway with two parents that are born in another country, and that have additionaly four grandparents that are born in another country then Norway.
Country background Country background is the person's own, the mother's or possibly the father's country of birth. Persons without an immigrant background always have Norway as country background. In cases where the parents have different countries of birth the mother's country of birth is chosen. If neither the person nor the parents are born abroad, country background is chosen from the first person born abroad in the order mother's mother, mother's father, father's mother, father's father. Country of birth is mainly the mother'c country of recidence when the person was born.
We only have information about the country background from persons With a social Security number. for persons With a temporarily social Security number (D-number), we only have information on citizenship.
Citizenship is citizenship in the reference week.
Period of recidence shows the period an immigrant have lived in Norway in the Statistical year on the file.
Person-related characteristics
The characteristics of residence, gender and age are taken from the Population Register.
Residence information is at the end of the reference week for the period 2001-2014 (3rd week in November). From 2015, residence information is at the end of the statistical month.
Information about age is at the end of the year for the period 2001-2005. From 2006, the age definition changed from age at the end of the year to age at the end of the reference week (3rd week in November). At the same time, the lower age limit as employed was lowered from 16 to 15 years in line with international recommendations. From 2015, age is registered as of 16 November.
Information about the immigration category, country of origin and residence is obtained from Statistics Norway's population statistics system.
Residents are defined as persons registered in the Central Population Register and also include temporary residents with a planned stay in Norway for six months or more.
Non-residents are defined as persons registered in the Central Population Register with a planned stay in Norway in less than six months. Non-residents include persons with a temporary social security number (D-number) or registered as emigrants, but work in Norway.
Employer-related characteristics
The characteristics of workplace and industry are obtained from the Business and Enterprise Register and apply to the business where the person works. For self-employed persons who cannot be linked to either business or enterprise, the business of the self-employed person is the Source of information on residence, education and Family. The place of employment for seafarers and defense personnel is equal to the municipality of residence for residents.
Information about the sector is based on institutional sectoral grouping and is obtained from the Business and Enterprise Register.
Contractual percentage of full-time equivalent
Contractual percentage of full-time equivalent is what you have agreed to work according to your contract of employment. The employer shall not consider additional work, overtime or different types of absence from work or if the hours have been paid or not. The information on contractual percentage of full-time equivalent is based on what is reported to the a-ordningen.
For persons that are paid by the hour without contractual working hours per week, e.g on-call temporary workers, the employer can report 0 as contractual percentage of full-time equivalent. Statistics Norway will then calculate contractual percentage of full-time equivalent from what is reported as paid hours and number of hours that corresponds to a 100 per cent position in the moth of Reporting.
Contractual working hours per week
By combining information regarding contractual percentage of full-time equivalent and number of hours per week in a full position, contractual working hours per week is calculated for each employment (job) and wage earner (person).
The number of hours in a full position is the number of working hours that makes a full position in a similar employment. Unpaid lunchbreaks are withdrawn, but it is not adjusted for potential additional work, overtime or different types of absence from work
Contractual full-time/part-time
Full time is when the contractual percentage of full-time equivalent equals 100 or more. Part-time is when the contractual percentage of full-time equivalent is less than 100.
The industrial classification is in accordance with the revised Standard Industrial Classification (NOS D 383), which is based on the EU-standard of NACE Rev. 2.
The occupational classification is in accordance with Standard Classification of Occupations (STYRK 2008), which is based on ISCO 08 (COM).
Distribution by municipality follows municipal list per. 1.1. in the production year for the statistics.
Statistics Norway's use of names in immigrant-related statistics is linked to the Standard for Grouping Persons by Immigration Background.
The following sections are used for grouping persons by immigrant background:
- Born in Norway with two Norwegian-born parents
- Immigrants
- Norwegian-born with immigrant parents.
- Foreign-born with one Norwegian-born parent.
- Norwegian-born with one foreign-born parent.
- Foreign-born with two Norwegian-born parents (includes foreign-adopted)
In our labor market statistics for immigrants, the three latter groups are usually merged with the first. These four groups are called "the population otherwise" or "the rest of the population."
The educational classification is in accordance with the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education Revised 2000 (NOS C 617).
Breakdown by municipality is in accordance with the list of municipalities as of 1 January in the year the statistics are produced.
World regions of birth (tables 1 &– 5, 7, 8 and 13): The Nordic countries, Western Europe else, EU-countries in Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe else, Northern America and Oceania, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
EU countries in Eastern Europe (tables 1 &– 5, 7, 8 and 13): Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.
Country group of birth (tables 6, 10-12):
Group 1 (The Nordic countries, Western Europe else, EU-countries in Eastern Europe , Northern America, Australia and New Zealand).
Group 2 (Eastern Europe outside the EU, Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania except Australia and New Zealand).