Municipalities have the most contracted man-years in health and care services
Labour market and earnings;Public sector
komregsys, Employment in municipal activities, contracted man-years, municipal services (for example nursing care, kindergartens, schools), county authority services (for example upper secondary school studies, dental health, administration)KOSTRA , General government , Employment , Public sector, Labour market and earnings
In the 4th quarter of 2015, figures show a total of 547 000 employees in local and county authorities.

Employment in municipal activities2015, 4th quarter



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Municipalities have the most contracted man-years in health and care services

More than 43 per cent of the contracted man-years in municipal activities were spent on health and care services in the 4th quarter of 2015, followed by primary and lower secondary education with 27 per cent.

Employed persons and contracted man-years in municipalities and counties1
1As from 2015, the statistics are based on new data sources. This gives a change in the time series.
2The figures for Oslo municipality are included in the figures for the county authority for upper secondary school and dental health services only.
Employed persons497 656
Contracted man-years371 236
Employed persons49 013
Contracted man-years42 724

In the 4th quarter of 2015, figures show a total of 547 000 employees in local and county authorities. This amounts to 414 000 contracted man-years. Out of these contracted man-years, nine out of ten were performed in the municipal authorities.

For the country as a whole, 135 000 contracted man-years were performed in health and care services in 2015. Of this, 97 000, or 71 per cent, were performed by personnel with qualifications in health and social care. Ninety-two per cent of the contracted man-years were performed in municipal enterprises, while 8 per cent were performed in the private sector.

County authorities have most contracted man-years in upper secondary education (and training)

The county authorities had 49 000 employees in 2015, which corresponds to 43 000 contracted man-years. Eighty per cent of the contracted man-years are in connection with upper secondary education, while about 12 per cent are related to county administration.

10 000 man-years in inter-municipal companies and municipal enterprises

In certain fields, the municipalities organise their activity into inter-municipal companies or enterprises. The man-years in such companies are not included in the figures presented above. A total of 10 000 man-years were connected to these companies in 2011. Most commonly, we find such companies in water supply, sewerage and waste management, and fire protection.

Change in the time seriesOpen and readClose

The new data source means we can obtain more precise figures on the number of employed persons. When using this new source, the number of employed persons, covering all sectors, is 60 000 less than in the old data base, which used the figure from the Labour Force Survey. This is a modest difference of 2.4 per cent compared to the total number employed. However, as a result of the new data source, the figure for the number employed in the 4th quarter of 2015 shows no actual change compared to the corresponding quarter of 2014.

A new data sourceOpen and readClose

The main source for information about wage earners in the statistics “Employment in municipal activities” is the register-based employment statistics. As from 2015, these statistics will be based on a new data source for employees. Until the end of 2014, the main data source was The Central Register on Employers and Employees (EE register), produced by the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV). In 2015, this reporting to NAV was coordinated with the reporting of earnings and personnel data to the Tax Administration and Statistics Norway. This common reporting system is called “a-ordningen”. A-ordningen provides a better data basis compared to the EE register as it is more accurate on the individual level and covers a greater number of employees.