Lower wage growth
Labour market and earnings
lonnkvart, Wage index, wage development, main business sectors (for example manufacturing, building and construction, oil)Earnings and labour costs, Labour market and earnings

Wage indexQ4 1999, preliminary figures



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Lower wage growth

The quarterly wage index for full-time employees in manufacturing increased by 1.8 per cent from third to fourth quarter 1999, against 2.4 per cent in the same period the year before. This means that wage growth also subsided in fourth quarter. The increase from fourth quarter 1998 to fourth quarter 1999 was 4.0 per cent.

Monthly earnings of construction employees increased by 2.8 per cent from third quarter 1999 to fourth quarter 1999, while the corresponding figure for transport and communications employees was 1.7 per cent. By comparison, the monthly earnings of oil and gas, mining and quarrying workers increased by 0.4 per cent.

New industries

Statistics Norway presents for the first time indices for wholesale and retail trade, business services and real estate with series dating back to first quarter 1998. Overall monthly earnings for full-time employees in wholesale and retail trade increased by 0.7 per cent from third quarter to fourth quarter 1999. The increase in business services and real estate was 0.9 per cent.

Change over one year

Manufacturing employees saw their monthly earnings increase 4.0 per cent from fourth quarter 1998 to fourth quarter 1999. Corresponding growth for transport and communications employees was 4.4 per cent while wholesale and retail trade employees saw a 3.3 per cent increase. Construction employees had a 4.4 per cent increase while oil and gas, mining and quarrying employees saw a 2.8 per cent increase from fourth quarter 1998 to fourth quarter 1999. Business services and real estate employees had a 5.2 per cent increase.

Compared with 1998, wages in 1999 generally grew at a slower pace in manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade, oil and gas production, mining and quarrying, and business services and real estate. Transport and communications also saw a declining trend in the first three quarters while the fourth quarter showed a slight increase.

Revised wage index

Statistics Norway hereby presents a revised wage index for the entire period based on a new method for calculating total monthly earnings. The irregular supplements, bonuses and commissions included in monthly earnings are now estimated as an average paid for the quarter in question. In previously released preliminary wage indices of total monthly earnings these aggregates were estimated as an average for the period so far this year. The change in the calculation method means that the index of monthly earnings may swing somewhat more from quarter to quarter than the previously released index. The wage index for paid contractual wages has also been revised, but the adjustments here were small and there were no method-related changes. It is otherwise worth noting that the revised index is now set equal to 100 in first quarter 1998 against previously third quarter 1997. For more information read "About the statistics".
