Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Number of employments and earnings
The statistics track how many jobs there are in Norway, the development in monthly earnings and the index of monthly earnings. The statistics include both residents and non-residents in all age groups. Figures are published quarterly and monthly, with more detailed figures for the quarterly publication.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Change in the number of jobs, employees and remuneration of cash. Final and preliminary seasonally adjusted figuresDownload table as ...Change in the number of jobs, employees and remuneration of cash. Final and preliminary seasonally adjusted figures
December 2024 -January 2025 November 2024 -December 2024 Preliminary figures Final figures Change Per cent change Change Per cent change Number of employees (persons), seasonally adjusted 18 007 0.6 -4 274 -0.2 Number of jobs (employments), seasonally adjusted 23 579 0.8 -7 537 -0.2 Average remuneration in cash (NOK) , seasonally adjusted 1 520 3.1 -620 -1.3 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of jobs and average monthly basic earnings, by sexDownload table as ...Number of jobs and average monthly basic earnings, by sex
Number of jobs (employments) Average monthly basic earnings (NOK) 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 Absolute numbers Percentage change Absolute numbers Percentage change Both sexes All ages 3 153 062 0.6 56 010 5.2 Less than 25 years 456 722 0.9 35 370 4.8 25-39 years 1 046 305 0.2 52 390 5.2 40-54 years 987 713 -0.5 60 980 5.0 55-66 years 580 929 2.4 62 440 5.3 67 years or older 81 393 5.5 57 900 4.9 Males All ages 1 628 630 0.5 58 550 5.2 Less than 25 years 219 705 0.9 36 360 4.9 25-39 years 543 557 -0.1 53 970 5.3 40-54 years 510 213 -0.6 64 220 5.0 55-66 years 305 786 2.5 66 540 5.2 67 years or older 49 369 4.6 61 500 5.1 Females All ages 1 524 432 0.8 52 870 5.2 Less than 25 years 237 017 0.9 33 980 4.5 25-39 years 502 748 0.6 50 500 5.1 40-54 years 477 500 -0.3 57 120 5.1 55-66 years 275 143 2.2 57 330 5.6 67 years or older 32 024 6.9 50 090 5.0 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of jobs and average monthly basic earnings, by countyDownload table as ...Number of jobs and average monthly basic earnings, by county
Number of jobs (employments) Average monthly basic earnings (NOK) 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 Absolute numbers Percentage change Absolute numbers Percentage change 31 Østfold 140 146 . 51 240 . 32 Akershus 347 109 . 56 790 . 03 Oslo 585 193 0.2 63 260 5.1 34 Innlandet 189 809 -0.1 50 660 5.2 33 Buskerud 138 735 . 53 270 . 39 Vestfold 122 583 . 52 900 . 40 Telemark 86 326 . 52 670 . 42 Agder 163 143 0.9 52 550 5.2 11 Rogaland 296 290 1.3 58 120 5.3 46 Vestland 371 326 1.0 55 040 5.3 15 Møre og Romsdal 148 538 0.6 52 580 5.0 50 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 269 684 0.0 54 470 5.2 18 Nordland - Nordlánnda 132 160 -0.2 52 310 5.3 55 Troms - Romsa - Tromssa 102 285 . 53 190 . 56 Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku 42 953 . 51 950 . Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of jobs and average monthly basic earnings, by industry division (17 groups, SIC2007)Download table as ...Number of jobs and average monthly basic earnings, by industry division (17 groups, SIC2007)
Number of jobs (employments) Average monthly basic earnings (NOK) 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 Absolute numbers Percentage change Absolute numbers Percentage change All industries 3 153 064 0.6 56 010 5.2 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 43 223 1.3 49 660 5.9 Mining and quarrying 70 149 4.1 76 940 5.6 Manufacture 231 408 0.9 56 060 5.5 Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management 39 003 2.4 64 920 5.6 Construction 256 062 -2.6 53 310 5.7 Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 390 869 0.0 50 470 5.2 Transportation and storage 149 202 2.3 53 570 5.5 Accommodation and food service activities 131 874 1.6 39 540 5.7 Information and communication 118 110 -0.5 72 720 5.4 Financial and insurance activities 54 850 3.9 76 010 4.8 Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities 200 141 0.5 69 880 5.5 Administrative and support service activities 163 900 -0.6 49 100 5.3 Public adm., defence, soc. security 197 964 2.1 59 560 2.5 Education 265 022 -0.8 55 730 4.9 Human health and social work activities 704 040 1.3 50 600 5.1 Other service activities 134 406 1.7 51 890 5.1 Unspecified 2 841 10.2 74 110 0.0 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Earnings index and average earnings, by industry division (17 groups, SIC2007)Download table as ...Earnings index and average earnings, by industry division (17 groups, SIC2007)
4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 Average monthly basic earnings (NOK) Index of average monthly basic earnings Per cent change monthly basic earnings Average monthly earnings (NOK) Index of average monthly earnings Per cent change monthly earnings All industries 56 010 104.4 5.2 58 480 101.0 5.3 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 49 660 102.5 5.9 52 130 103.6 5.7 Mining and quarrying 76 940 105.2 5.6 85 780 88.5 5.9 Manufacture 56 060 104.8 5.5 58 510 102.4 5.4 Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management 64 920 105.1 5.6 66 430 102.8 5.2 Construction 53 310 104.4 5.7 55 480 101.0 5.8 Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 50 470 104.2 5.2 52 410 99.2 5.1 Transportation and storage 53 570 104.7 5.5 56 780 101.1 5.8 Accommodation and food service activities 39 540 104.6 5.7 40 560 104.1 5.8 Information and communication 72 720 104.5 5.4 75 770 97.2 5.9 Financial and insurance activities 76 010 104.4 4.8 77 190 97.5 4.5 Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities 69 880 104.7 5.5 72 040 102.7 5.8 Administrative and support service activities 49 100 104.0 5.3 51 050 100.7 5.5 Public adm., defence, soc. security 59 560 102.1 2.5 62 950 102.0 3.1 Education 55 730 104.3 4.9 55 890 104.3 4.9 Human health and social work activities 50 600 105.2 5.1 53 850 103.0 4.9 Other service activities 51 890 104.2 5.1 52 800 102.9 4.8 Unspecified 74 110 103.7 0.0 78 170 102.2 3.9 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Job flows, by industry division (17 groups, SIC2007)Download table as ...Job flows, by industry division (17 groups, SIC2007)
Number of jobs (employments) Job decreases, all establishments Job increases, all establishments 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 Absolute numbers Percentage change Absolute numbers Percentage change Absolute numbers Percentage change All industries 3 153 063 0.6 280 623 -4.1 300 283 -7.3 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 43 223 1.3 7 028 14.1 7 597 1.3 Mining and quarrying 70 148 4.1 2 660 -13.0 5 438 -3.0 Manufacture 231 409 0.9 16 878 -6.2 18 857 -10.3 Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management 39 004 2.4 2 575 -6.8 3 472 -13.3 Construction 256 063 -2.7 37 428 1.3 30 457 -16.4 Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 390 869 0.0 38 360 -2.8 38 292 -4.8 Transportation and storage 149 202 2.3 15 681 -2.7 19 087 2.9 Accommodation and food service activities 131 874 1.7 18 076 -6.9 20 217 1.7 Information and communication 118 108 -0.5 12 585 -14.4 12 033 -22.8 Financial and insurance activities 54 849 3.9 2 226 -20.8 4 299 -4.5 Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities 200 141 0.5 23 556 9.8 24 516 -8.5 Administrative and support service activities 163 900 -0.6 23 214 -28.6 22 211 -6.4 Public adm., defence, soc. security 197 964 2.1 8 798 -14.6 12 866 19.2 Education 265 022 -0.8 13 504 16.1 11 405 -20.4 Human health and social work activities 704 040 1.3 41 955 2.4 50 902 -10.0 Other service activities 134 406 1.7 14 955 -1.2 17 225 -0.4 Unspecified 2 841 10.3 1 144 2.2 1 409 15.3 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 9 October 2024.
The statistics of the number of employees and jobs (employments) are based on reported information from A-ordningen every month and for the middle month of a given quarter. Statistics Norway follows the recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO) regarding the preparation of labour statistics in the choice of key concepts and definitions.
Important definitions
Employed persons
Employed persons are persons who performed paid work of at least one hour's duration in the reference week, as well as persons who have such work but who were temporarily absent due to illness, vacation, paid leave, etc. Persons who are serving in the military, performing civil work, etc. are regarded as employed. Employed persons include employees and self-employed persons, but this statistic only covers employees.
Employees are persons who receive compensation for work in the form of earnings. For employees with more than one job (employment), one is established as the most important (i.e., the main job (employment)).
Job/employment: Job and employment are used synonymously and define work compensated by earnings. A person may have several jobs/employments in different establishments.
Characteristics related to employer
Place of work and industry division
The characteristics of the place of work and industry division are obtained from the Central Register of Business Establishments and Enterprises (CRE) and apply to the establishment where the person works.
Sector is obtained from the Central Register of Business Establishments and Enterprises (CRE) and apply to the enterprise where the person works. The following division is used:
- Central government: comprises central governmental units that carry out political responsibilities, provide and enforce regulations, produce public services (mainly non-market) and redistribute income and wealth.
- Local government: comprises local and regional institutional units (mainly counties and municipalities) that carry out political responsibilities and produce public services (mainly non-market).
- Private sector, public enterprises, and unspecified: comprises private enterprises and public incorporated enterprises not included in the central or local government. Public incorporated enterprises are enterprises where the state - directly or indirectly - holds a stake of more than 50 percent of the paid-in-capital.
Personal characteristics
Place of residence, sex, and age
Characteristics such as place of residence, sex, and age are obtained from the National Registry. Age is determined on the 16th of every month, while the place of residence is by the end of each month.
Residents are defined as persons registered in the National Registry including temporary residents who plan on staying in Norway for six months or more.
Non-residents are defined as persons registered in the National Registry with a planned stay in Norway of less than six months. Non-residents include persons with a temporary social security number (D-number) or registered as emigrants, but who work in Norway.
Immigrants are defined as persons who are born abroad, have foreign-born parents and grandparents, and later immigrated to Norway.
Employment-related characteristics
Information on occupation is based on the standard Classification of Occupations (STYRK-08), which is based on ISCO-08 (COM). The occupation code is determined by the employee’s specific duties, not their level of education, the type of position concerned, salary or industry. It is up to the employer to decide which occupation code is correct. Employers report a 7-digit occupational code from the old standard for occupational classification (STYRK98) when reporting the a-melding ( SSB converts all 7-digit codes to a 4-digit STYRK-08. This table shows the conversion: Correspondence table between the occupational catalogue, based on STYRK-98, and STYRK-08. We lack information on occupation for foreign contractors who have only been reported to the Norwegian Tax Agency's Assignment and employee register ( Missing information on occupation also occurs due to errors in the reporting. In addition, it was voluntary for employers to report the occupational code in the a-melding for freelancers, contractors and fee recipients from 2015 to March 2019. From April 2019, the occupational code was mandatory for this group as well. The latter contributes to a large decrease in the number of unspecified occupations between 2018 and 2019.
Contractual percentage of full-time equivalent
Contractual percentage of full-time equivalent is what you have agreed to work according to your contract of employment. The employer shall not consider additional work, overtime or different types of absence from work or if the hours have been paid or not. The information on contractual percentage of full-time equivalent is based on what is reported to a-ordningen.
For persons that are paid by the hour without contractual working hours per week, e.g. on-call temporary workers, the employer can report 0 as contractual percentage of full-time equivalent. Statistics Norway will then calculate contractual percentage of full-time equivalent from what is reported as paid hours and number of hours that corresponds to a 100 per cent position in the moth of reporting.
For the employment type "freelancers", contractual percentage is not mandatory to report.
Contractual working hours
By combining information regarding contractual percentage of full-time equivalent and number of hours per week in a full position, contractual working hours per week is calculated for each employment (job) and wage earner (person).
Contractual working hours in a full position per week
The number of hours in a full position is the number of working hours that makes a full position in a similar employment. Unpaid lunchbreaks are withdrawn, but it is not adjusted for potential additional work, overtime or different types of absence from work.
Contractual full-time/part-time
Contractual full-time/part-time: Full time is when the contractual percentage of full-time equivalent equals 100 or more. Part-time is when the contractual percentage of full-time equivalent is less than 100.
Earning terms
The quarterly earnings statistics only include persons with earnings in a given quarter. Therefore, the number of jobs that are the basis for the earnings statistics may differ from the total number of jobs.
The term earning relates to payment for work in an employment relationship. The statistics do not include payment or benefit in kind, insurance, expense allowance, holiday pay, etc. Gross earnings before tax are the basis of the earning terms.
Basic monthly earnings
Basic monthly earnings are an estimated quarterly size. It is the fixed amount that is paid, defined as hourly, monthly, fortnightly, or weekly earnings. Basic monthly earnings are the actual paid amount at the time of count and are often described as earnings on a scale or regular basic earnings. Qualification/skills allowances and other regular personal allowances are included. Basic monthly earnings are published as an average per full-time equivalent.
Monthly earnings
Monthly earnings include basic monthly earnings, variable additional allowances and bonuses. This is measured in the middle month of the quarter. Overtime pay is not included in monthly earnings. Monthly earnings are published as an average per full-time equivalent.
Full-time equivalents
To compare earnings between full-time and part-time employees, the earnings of part-time employees are converted to the equivalent for full-time work. By using the percentage of each part-time employee’s position as a conversion factor. Monthly earnings per full-time equivalent for part-time employees are merged with the monthly earnings of full-time employees, allowing the average monthly earnings for all employees to be estimated.
Payment in cash
Payment in cash includes all payments in cash from the employer including basic monthly earnings, fixed and variable additional allowances, bonuses, overtime pay, and other payments in cash not specified here, before taxes. Published payment in cash figures are averages per job (not as full-time equivalents).
Earnings index
Indices are used to show development over time. Principally, an index is just another way of showing growth. Instead of calculating growth since the dawn of time, the index takes a base year as a starting point and calculates forwards and backwards therefrom. The base value in the starting point is set to 100 in the index and the development is measured against this figure. If the index number is 120, it means that there has been a growth of 20 percent since the base year.
In this statistics, two figures are presented as indices: 1) Index of average monthly basic earnings and 2) Index of average monthly earnings.
Job flows: Job increases and job decreases in establishments
Job increases and job decreases are based on whether the number of jobs (employments) in a given establishment has increased or decreased during the last year for a given quarter. The tables distinguish between job flows as a result of new establishments, terminated establishments, and increase/decrease in existing establishments.
Existing establishments is an establishment with employees on both points of measure. New establishments were not established or had no employees at the first point of measure. Terminated establishments had employees at the first point of measure but were terminated or had no employees at the last point of measure.
Within the different industries, job increases, and job decreases can be a result of existing establishments changing industries between the points of measure. All jobs (employments) that are moved count as job decreases in the industry they are leaving, and job increases in the industry they are entering. The establishment can have the same number of jobs (employments) on both points of measure, but we will still see a job increase in one industry and a job decrease in another. In the statbank table, there are numbers that specifically show job increase and job decrease as a result of existing establishments changing industries. This will also be the case when distinguishing job increase and job decrease by sector. Since establishments can change an industry without changing sector and vice versa, the number of jobs increases and job decreases in the tables by industry will differ from the numbers in the tables by sector.
Labour force flows: New hirings and terminated hirings
Labour force flows occur as a result of a replacement of employees in establishments. This is affected by new hires, terminated hires, and employees changing jobs. Jobs (employments) are measured by establishments, which means that employees changing establishments within the same enterprise also contributes to labour force flows. The statistics are based on two points of measure (same quarter, past and present year), meaning that short-term jobs (employments) between the points of measure are not included in the labour force flows.
Labour force flows and job flows are closely related. Job flows describe job increases and job decreases, and the establishments are the focus area. Labour force flows to focus on the employee, and the statistics allow for distinguishing numbers by sex, age, education, immigration categories, etc. In total, job increases and job decreases (job flows) add up to the same change in the number of jobs as new hires and terminated hirings in the establishments (labour force flows).
- The industrial classification is in accordance with the revised Standard Industrial Classification (NOS D 383), which is based on the EU-standard of NACE Rev. 2.
- The occupational classification is in accordance with the Standard Classification of Occupations (STYRK-08), which is based on ISCO-08 (COM).
- The sector classification is in accordance with the Classification of Institutional Sector.
- Breakdown by county and municipality is in accordance with the list of counties and municipalities as of the 1st in the middle month of a given quarter, and are classified in accordance with Classification of municipalities and Classification of county
- Education are classified in accordance with the Classification of education (NUS)
- The group "Upper secondary education (level 3-5)" also include tertiary vocational education (level 5).