Manufacturing wages up 0.5 per cent
Labour market and earnings
lonnkvart, Wage index, wage development, main business sectors (for example manufacturing, building and construction, oil)Earnings and labour costs, Labour market and earnings

Wage indexQ1 2000, preliminary figures



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Manufacturing wages up 0.5 per cent

The quarterly wage index for full-time employees in manufacturing shows a 0.5 per cent increase in average monthly earnings from the fourth quarter 1999 to the first quarter 2000. There was a 4.1 per cent increase from the first quarter 1999 to first the quarter 2000. The increase from the fourth quarter 1998 to the fourth quarter 1999 was 4.0 per cent.

Monthly earnings of oil and gas extraction and mining employees increased by 1.1 per cent from the fourth quarter 1999 to the first quarter 2000. Corresponding figures for transport and communication employees were 0.5 per cent and 0.4 per cent for wholesale and retail trade employees. In real estate and business activities there was a 0.1 per cent increase while there was no growth in construction.

Change over one year

Manufacturing employees had a 4.1 per cent increase in average monthly earnings from the first quarter 1999 to the first quarter 2000. Corresponding growth for oil and gas extraction and mining employees was 5.5 per cent while construction employees had a 4.6 per cent increase. Real estate and business activity employees had a 4.5 per cent increase while employees in transport and communication had a 3.6 per cent increase from the first quarter 1999 to the first quarter 2000. Wholesale and retail trade employees had a 3.4 per cent increase during the same period.

There was a relatively large growth in the average monthly earnings in oil and gas extraction and mining from the first quarter 1999 to the first quarter 2000 compared to the growth from the fourth quarter 1998 to the fourth quarter 1999. Increases in bonuses in the first quarter 2000 is the main reason for this large growth. The index increased slightly in manufacturing, construction and wholesale and retail trade. There was a subsiding wage growth in transport and communication and real estate and business activities during the same period.

About the sample

The sample for the first quarter 2000 includes 109 300 full-time employees, with the following breakdown: 13 100 in oil and gas extraction and mining, 38 100 in manufacturing, 19 000 in construction, 15 700 in transport and communication, 12 000 in wholesale and retail trade and 11 400 in real estate and business activities. According to the preliminary national accounts figures for the first quarter 2000, employment in oil and gas extraction and mining totalled 25 100, manufacturing 295 400, construction 99 000, transport and communication 120 000, wholesale and retail trade 318 800 and real estate and business activities 151 200. Please note that the figures from the national accounts also include part-time employees.
