This is an archived release.
24.6 billion more in salary and fee
Total paid salary, fee etc. amounted to NOK 525.4 billions in 2000. This was an increase of NOK 24.6 billions or 4.9 per cent compared with 1999. The increase from 1998 to 1999 was NOK 30.1 billion or 6.4 per cent.
A total of 2 603 400 persons received salary, fee etc. in 2000. These persons received an average of NOK 201 800. This is, on average, 4.1 per cent more than the amount 2 584 300 persons received the previous year. Women received on average NOK 160 700, while the men's average was NOK 239 500. The increase from 1999 was 4.8 and 3.9 per cent respectively. Compared with the previuos year, almost 14 000 more women received salary and fee in 2000. There were, in comparison, over 5 000 more men who received salary and fee.
Slightly fewer persons received daily allowance
182 600 persons received daily allowance in 2000, compared with 184 100 persons in 1999. Total paid daily allowance amounted to over NOK 6.1 billion in 2000, an increase of more than 13 per cent from 1999. There was an increase of over 14 per cent in average daily allowance per person among those receiving such payment.
Increase in payments of pensions etc.
The total payments of pensions was NOK 140.6 billion in 2000, this is an increase of 6.7 per cent compared with 1999. This amount includes payments from the national social security system and different pension payments outside the national social security system. 1 417 798 persons received pensions etc., which is an increase of 22 800 persons since 1999.
About the subject
The statistics is based on the Norwegian Revenue Service's register on End of the Year Certificates and includes a total of 3 211 542 persons.
The statistics is published with Tax for personal tax payers.
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