5.4 per cent sickness absence
Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants;Health
sykefratot, Sickness absence, sick leave man-days, sickness absence rateHealth conditions and living habits, Health, Working environment, sickness absence, strikes and lockouts, Labour market and earnings, Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants, Health
The statistics are intended to shed light on sickness absence trends in the aggregate and distributed by county and various personal variables connected with those on sick leave.

Sickness absenceQ3 2015



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5.4 per cent sickness absence

The share of employees who had doctor-certified sickness absence in the 3rd quarter of 2015 was 5.4 per cent.

Approximately 130 000 employees was absent from work due to doctor-certified sickness in Q3 2015. The introduction of a new register on employees has caused a break in the time series, and we can therefore not say if this is a real increase or just a result of the new register.

Adjusted for partial sick leave, the share of employees with sickness absence certified by a doctor was 4.6 per cent.