Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Labour force survey

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a survey that measures employment and unemployment in Norway. It includes individuals aged 15-89 and provides statistics on the development of the labour market. The LFS provides information on both the employed, the unemployed, and persons outside the labour force.

Updated: 27 February 2025
Next update: 27 March 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Employment and unemployment for persons aged 15-74. Trend figures
    Employment and unemployment for persons aged 15-74. Trend figures
    January 2025Change
    December 2024 - January 2025
    Unemployed persons119 0000
    In per cent of the labour force3.90.0
    Employed persons2 910 0000
    In per cent of the population70.00.0
    Explanation of symbols
  • Employment and unemployment figures for persons aged 15-74 years, trend figures (1 000 and per cent)
    Employment and unemployment figures for persons aged 15-74 years, trend figures (1 000 and per cent)
    Persons (not adjusted)Labour forceLabour force in per cent of the populationEmployed personsEmployed persons in per cent of the populationUnemployed personsUnemployed persons in per cent of the labour force
    October 20234 1142 99572.82 88670.21093.6
    November 20234 1192 99772.82 88570.11113.7
    December 20234 1222 99872.72 88470.01143.8
    January 20244 1202 99872.82 88270.01163.9
    February 20244 1302 99972.62 88169.81183.9
    March 20244 1332 99972.62 88069.71194.0
    April 20244 1353 00172.62 88169.71204.0
    May 20244 1373 00372.62 88369.71204.0
    June 20244 1403 00872.62 88769.71214.0
    July 20244 1453 01272.72 89269.81214.0
    August 20244 1463 01872.82 89769.91214.0
    September 20244 1493 02272.82 90269.91214.0
    October 20244 1533 02672.92 90670.01214.0
    November 20244 1573 02972.92 90870.01204.0
    December 20244 1593 02972.82 91070.01193.9
    January 20254 1603 02972.82 91070.01193.9
    Explanation of symbols
  • Table 2: Persons aged 15-74, by labor force status and sex. Annual and quarterly figures (1 000)
    Table 2: Persons aged 15-74, by labor force status and sex. Annual and quarterly figures (1 000)
    Annual average3rd quarter 20234th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Labour force, total
    Both sexes2 9833 0093 0092 9842 9743 0233 0273 013
    Females1 4071 4211 4121 4101 4091 4201 4251 429
    Males1 5771 5881 5971 5741 5641 6041 6021 583
    Employed persons
    Both sexes2 8762 8892 9012 8782 8542 8952 9082 897
    Females1 3581 3671 3651 3611 3571 3641 3721 374
    Males1 5181 5221 5371 5171 4971 5311 5371 523
    Both sexes107121107106119129119116
    Persons outside of the labour force
    Both sexes1 1171 1331 0951 1341 1541 1141 1191 143
    Explanation of symbols
  • Table 3: Persons aged 15-74, by labor force status and sex. Annual and quarterly figures (per cent)
    Table 3: Persons aged 15-74, by labor force status and sex. Annual and quarterly figures (per cent)
    Annual average3rd quarter 20234th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Labour force, total
    Both sexes72.872.773.372.572.
    Employed persons
    Both sexes70.169.770.769.969.
    Both sexes3.
    Persons outside of the labour force
    Both sexes27.227.326.727.528.026.927.027.5
    Explanation of symbols
  • Unemployed persons aged 15-74, by sex and age. Yearly and quarterly figures (1 000 and per cent)
    Unemployed persons aged 15-74, by sex and age. Yearly and quarterly figures (1 000 and per cent)
    Annual average3rd quarter 20234th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Both sexes
    In total107121107106119129119116
    15-24 years4752484549625049
    25-54 years5258535364555955
    55-74 years810687111011
    In total5866605767736560
    15-24 years2528282326342626
    25-54 years2932283038313227
    55-74 years56453877
    In total4954474952565455
    15-24 years2224202223282423
    25-54 years2326252326242628
    55-74 years34243434
    Unemployed as per cent of the labour force
    Both sexes
    In total3.
    15-24 years11.112.110.810.711.713.811.311.4
    25-54 years2.
    55-74 years1.
    In total3.
    15-24 years11.412.712.010.812.315.011.511.9
    25-54 years2.
    55-74 years1.
    In total3.
    15-24 years10.711.49.510.511.012.611.010.9
    25-54 years2.
    55-74 years1.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Unemployed persons aged 15-74, by duration of job search. Yearly and quarterly figures (1 000 and per cent)
    Unemployed persons aged 15-74, by duration of job search. Yearly and quarterly figures (1 000 and per cent)
    Annual average3rd quarter 20234th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    1-4 weeks3637393235423832
    5-13 weeks2632272734293332
    14-26 weeks121410151420913
    27-39 weeks35335554
    40-52 weeks9111081091113
    53 weeks and over79578999
    1-4 weeks3431363029333228
    5-13 weeks2426252529222828
    14-26 weeks11129141216811
    27-39 weeks34334443
    40-52 weeks899887911
    53 weeks and over77577788
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 17 March 2025.

The definitions in the Norwegian LFS are in accordance with the definitions in other European countries. Norway complies with the EU regulations and participates in the European statistical cooperation.

Employed persons are persons who performed work for pay or profit for at least one hour in the reference week, or who were temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays etc. Persons engaged by government measures to promote employment are also included if they receive wages. Persons laid off 100 per cent with a continuous duration of until three months are defined as employed.

The employment rate is calculated as a percentage of the whole population in the same age bracket.

Unemployed persons are persons who were not employed in the reference week, but who had been actively seeking work during the preceding four weeks, and were available for work in the reference week or within the next two weeks. Persons laid off 100 per cent are defined as unemployed after three continuous months of leave if they also fulfil the criterions of active searching and being available to take a job.

The unemployment rate is calculated as a percentage of the labour force.

The labour force is the sum of persons in employment and the unemployed, that is, those who activel yoffer their labour on the labour market. They are also referred to as economically active.

Persons outside the labour force are those who are neither in employment nor unemployed. The group inclueds persons laid off 100% and who do not fulfil the criterions of active search and availability.

Status in employment groups the employed on being employees, self-employed, or unpaid family workers. In the LFS, persons in employment who during the interview confirm that their registered job in the A-scheme is in fact their job will be classified as employees. The exception is those who are contractors or free lance workers. They are asked about the number of clients / customers and their payment forms. Those who worked for only one client / customer in the reference week and who received a wage from them are classified as employees. The remaining are classified as self-employed. Persons in employment who do not confirm the register information in the A-scheme are asked if they are employees, self-employed, familiy workers, contractors or freelance, and coded accordingly.

In addition to the measurement of employment and unemployment according to the international recommendations and definitions, it is also asked a single question in the LFS to all non-employed persons, and to the part-time employed persons, about their main activity. This variable gives the persons' self-perception regarding their activity or status. The purpose is to estimate how many people are in education, homemakers, pensioners etc., and how many have a part-time job besides.

The potential labour force consist of persons who were not employed in the reference week, but had either been seeking work during the preceding four weeks or were available for work in the reference week or within the next two weeks.

The extended labour force consist of the (ordinary) labour force and the potential labour force.

The labour market slack consist of the unemployed, persons working part-time involuntary and persons in the potential labour force.

Man-hours worked include all actual working hours, i.e. including overtime and excluding absence from work. This is published as man-weeks per week, and can therefore also be read as the number of employed full time equivalents in the month under consideration.

Contractual/usual working hours refer to the weekly number of working hours determined by the working contract. Absence from work because of illness, holidays etc. is not subtracted, and overtime is not included. Employees whose contractual working hours vary from week to week give information on the average of their contractual working hours per week over the last three months. This also applies to self-employed and family workers.

Full-time/part-time distinction is based on usual working hours per week. Usual working hours of 37 and more is full-time, in addition to varying working hours or usual working hours between 32 and 36 where the respondent classify this as full-time work. The rest is classified as part-time, i.e. usual working hours less than 32 hours and varying hours or usual working hours between 32 and 36 where the respondent classify this as part-time work. For persons with more than one job, only the usual working hours in the main job is used in the classification of full-time/part-time work.

Overtime is defined as working hours which exceed the contractual working hours. The overtime may be compensated by payment or by time off, or be without any compensation.

Underemployed persons consist of part-time employed persons wishing and seeking longer usual working hours and who were able to start with increased working hours within a month. This definition corresponds to that of the unemployed in the meaning that they must be both seeking and available.

Persons who work involuntary part-time consist of employed persons wishing longer usual working hours and who are able to start with increased working hours within a month. This group differs from the underemployed since they don't need to be seeking more increased working hours, it suffices to wishing it and beeing available for it.

The employees are asked whether they have a permanent job (a work contract of unlimited duration) or a temporary job (a work contract of limited duration). If the person has more than one job, only the main job is classified by permanence.

There are two kinds of working time arrangements outside ordinary hours (Monday to Friday from 6 am to 6 pm).

  • Shift work is working time outside normally working hours in pre specified periods.
  • Work outside ordinary hours, not shift work. This refers to work on evenings, nights, Saturdays and Sundays which is not shift work. Evening work is defined as work between 6 pm and 10 pm. Night work is between 10 pm and 6 am.

Respondents who report that they work on one or more of these working time schedules outside ordinary hours are also asked about the frequency of this kind of work during a four week period. This is done for each of the working time schedule separately. Based on this, the work outside regularly hours is divided into the categories "regularly" or "sometimes".

For evening and night work, the respondent must have this kind of work on at least half of their working days in the four week period to be defined as having regularly evening work and/or regularly night work.

For work on weekends, they must work 2-4 Saturdays and/or 2-4 Sundays during the four week period to be defined as having regularly Saturday and/or Sunday work. The respondents who have these kinds of working schedules, but more seldom than indicated above, are defined as sometimes having this kind of work.

Age means completed years in the reference week.

Immigrants are persons born outside Norway to parents who were also born outside Norway. This information is collected from registers.

The industrial classification is based on the EU-standard of NACE Rev. 2.

The occupational classification is based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08).

The educational classification is in accordance with the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education.

Most 15 year old and some 16 year old have not yet completed primary education, but in the LFS they are still coded as completed.

Classification of regions follow the standard for regions


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