This is an archived release.
Mild decrease in sickness absence proportion
The number of employees with doctor-certified sickness absence as a percentage of all employees (sickness absence proportion) was 5.8 per cent in the second quarter of 2016. This is a small decrease of 2.3 per cent compared with updated figures for the second quarter of 2015, when the proportion was 5.9 per cent. This means a percentage increase of 1.6.
2nd quarter 2016 | |
Both sexes | 5.8 |
Males | 4.1 |
Females | 7.6 |

The proportion for women has decreased from 7.7 to 7.6 per cent. For men, the proportion has remained nearly unchanged, at 4.1 per cent.
Among the major industries, the administrative and support service industry and the accommodation and food service industry had the biggest decreases, with 5.2 and 3.7 per cent respectively.
Mining and quarrying, dominated by the oil and gas industry, had an increase of 6.8 per cent last year. In this industry, the number of persons with doctor-certified absence has decreased, but the number of persons working in the industry has decreased even more, and hence the proportion has increased. The proportion was 4.1 per cent, which is still a bit lower than the national average.
Possible break in the statistics in 1st quarter 2015Open and readClose
NAV’s Employers and employees register, which has been one of the main sources for the calculation of the sickness absence rate, was replaced by a new register in January 2015. The new register, the A-ordningen, which serves NAV, the tax authorities and Statistics Norway, is likely to give a different figure for employees than the Employers and employees register. This is due to both a somewhat broader coverage of the group and the fact that the quality is expected to be better. The number of employees and their hours of work determine the denominator in the sickness absence rates. The sickness absence for the 1st quarter of 2015 is scheduled to be published on 18 June.
Mulig brudd i statistikken for 1. kvartal 2015Open and readClose
NAVs Aa-register, som har vært en av hovedkildene for beregning av sykefraværsprosenten, ble erstattet av et nytt register fra januar 2015. Det nye registeret, A-ordningen, som betjener både NAV, Skatteetaten og SSB, vil trolig gi et noe annet tall for arbeidstakere enn det Aa-registeret har gjort. Det skyldes både en noe bredere dekning av gruppen og at kvaliteten forventes å bli bedre. Tallet på arbeidstakere og deres arbeidstid bestemmer nevneren i sykefraværsprosenten. Sykefraværet for 1. kvartal 2015 skal etter planen publiseres 18. juni.
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Unn H. Høydahl
tel.: (+47) 40 90 23 77