Banking and financial markets

Banks and mortgage companiesQ4 2016



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List of Tables
NumberTable titleNew window ExcelCSV
Table 1Main figures. NOK millionfullscreen-iconMain figures. NOK millionexcel-iconMain figures. NOK millioncsv-iconMain figures. NOK million
Table 2Banks, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)fullscreen-iconBanks, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)excel-iconBanks, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)csv-iconBanks, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)
Table 3Finance companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)fullscreen-iconFinance companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)excel-iconFinance companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)csv-iconFinance companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)
Table 4Mortgage companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)fullscreen-iconMortgage companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)excel-iconMortgage companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)csv-iconMortgage companies, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)
Table 5State lending institutions, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)fullscreen-iconState lending institutions, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)excel-iconState lending institutions, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)csv-iconState lending institutions, quarterly profit and loss accounts. NOK million (cumulative)

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