Issues of bonds decreases
Banking and financial markets
obligasjoner, Debt securities, share issues, bonded debt, bonds, commercial paper debt, securities debtSecurities markets , Banking and financial markets

Debt securitiesQ3 2001

In May 2016, the Debt securities statistics were merged with the statistics for Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities Depository. The new merged statistics are known as the Securities statistics.



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Issues of bonds decreases

Issues of bonds decreased by 7,4 per cent the third quarter of 2001, compared with the same period in 2000.

 Issues of bonds and commercial papers in Norway. 3rd quarter 1998-3rd quarter 2001

During 2001 the total amount of bond issues in Norway was NOK 57,8 billion. Domestic bond dept at 30 September 2001 was NOK 419,6 billion. This is an increase in outstanding debt of NOK 22,2 billion, or 5,6 per cent compared with the same period the year before. The total amount of issues decreased by NOK 4,6 billion, or 7,4 per cent from September last year. Central government issued NOK 10,4 billion worth of bonds during this year and Commercial banks issued NOK 11 billion. Savings banks issued of NOK 15,7 billion worth of bonds. Private companies issued NOK 7,3 billion worth of bonds. These are the largest bond lenders with 77 per cent of the total amount of dept at 30 September 2001. The strongest decline occurred among Counties, with 82 per cent compared to same period last year.

Issues of commercial papers increased by 28,8 per cent

Issues of commercial papers increased by NOK 56,6 billion or 28,8 per cent compared with the same period last year. During the third quarter of 2001 the total amount of commercial paper issues in Norway was NOK 253,2 billion. With comparison the issues of commercial papers at the same period last year was NOK 196,6 billion. Domestic debt at the end of September 2001 was NOK 136,6 billion compared with NOK 104,9 billion the same period 2000. Savings banks issued NOK 67,8 billion worth of bonds wich is 26,7 per cent of the total amount of commercial paper issues. Central government issued NOK 46 billion, while commercial banks issued NOK 47,3 billion worth of commercial papers.

 Effective interest rates on selected bonds and commercial papers. 3rd quarter 1998 - 3rd quarter 2001

Issues abroad in NOK and foreign currency

Statistics on issues of bonds and commercial papers offered abroad in NOK and foreign currency are obtained from The Norwegian Central Bank. From the first quarter of 2001 special ECP and USCP programs are included.

The statistics show that issues during the third quarter of 2001 was NOK 349,3 billion. Mortgage companies are the largest borrowers in the foreign market, with NOK 260,2 billion, 74 per cent of the total issue volume.
