Unchanged growth in housing loans
Banking and financial markets
orbofbm, Financial corporations, balance sheet, banks, mortgage companies, finance companies, state lending institutions, loans, deposits, financing, mortgages, bonds, commercial papers, shares, ownership interest, assets, liabilities, foreign banks, borrowers, balancesFinancial institutions and other financial corporations, Banking and financial markets

Financial corporations, balance sheetAugust 2014

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.



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Unchanged growth in housing loans

The twelve-month growth in loans secured on dwellings from financial companies to households was 6.5 per cent to end-August. This is unchanged from the previous month. Compared to August last year, the twelve-growth has declined by 0.8 percentage points.

Balance sheet. Selected figures. NOK million and per cent
August 2013August 2014August 2013 - August 2014
Bank total assets4 116 2914 275 3663.9
Deposits2 818 9902 920 2163.6
Loans2 930 0663 128 8276.8
Mortgage companies
Bank total assets1 725 1471 788 1414
Loans1 493 8271 482 377-0.8
Figure 1. Financial corporations. Loans secured on dwellings to households

Loans secured on dwellings from Norwegian financial corporations to Norwegian households amounted to NOK 2 130 billion by the end of August, an increase of NOK 130 billion from August last year. A total of 84.3 per cent of households’ total loans from financial corporations were secured on dwellings at end-August this year.

Reduced growth in repayment loans secured on dwellings

Loans secured on dwellings consist of two types of loans: repayment loans and credit lines. At the end of August, the households housing loans from Norwegian financial corporations amounted to NOK 1 684 billion. The twelve-month growth was 8.8 per cent at end-August, a marginal decrease from 8.9 per cent at end-July. The twelve-month growth rate in repayment loans has been declining from April this year.

Credit lines secured on dwellings from Norwegian banks and mortgage companies to households amounted to NOK 446 billion by the end of August 2014. The twelve-month growth was -1.4 per cent to end-August, an increase from -1.6 per cent at end-July. From June 2013, the twelve-month growth rate in credit lines secured on dwellings to households has been negative.

Largest share of housing loans from mortgage companies

At the end of August, housing loans from mortgage companies to households amounted to NOK 1 077 billion, a share of 50.6 per cent of the total housing loans to households. The twelve-month growth in housing loans from mortgage companies was 2.4 per cent, a decrease from 2.6 per cent the previous month.

Banks and state lending institutions consisted for the rest of the housing loans to households, with a share of 46.6 and 2.9 per cent, respectively. Housing loans from banks amounted to NOK 992 billion at the end of August, an increase from NOK 984 billion the previous month. The twelve-month growth was 11.6 per cent, up from 11.3 per cent at end-July. Housing loans from state lending institutions amounted to NOK 61 billion at the end of August and the twelve month growth was 2.8 per cent.