Decreased growth in housing loans
Banking and financial markets
orbofbm, Financial corporations, balance sheet, banks, mortgage companies, finance companies, state lending institutions, loans, deposits, financing, mortgages, bonds, commercial papers, shares, ownership interest, assets, liabilities, foreign banks, borrowers, balancesFinancial institutions and other financial corporations, Banking and financial markets

Financial corporations, balance sheetApril 2015

New classifications of type of deposits

Statistics Norway has implemented a change to the classification of type of deposits in April. This entails a postponement in publication of tables including deposits by type of deposit. For more information, see "Pengemengdestatistikken. Kilder og metoder innenfor rammen av internasjonale standarder" (in Norwegian only).

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.



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Decreased growth in housing loans

The twelve-month growth in housing loans from financial corporations to households was 7.0 per cent to end-April, down from 7.2 per cent to end-March. Compared to April last year, the twelve-month growth has declined by 0.2 percentage points.

Balance sheet. Selected figures. NOK million and per cent
April 2014April 2015April 2014 - April 2015
Bank total assets4 301 2294 619 8487.4
Deposits2 945 9213 056 1033.7
Loans3 177 0803 408 0967.3
Mortgage companies
Bank total assets1 769 9571 909 9998
Loans1 499 1091 548 5803.3
Figure 1. Financial corporations. Loans secured on dwellings to households

Loans secured on dwellings from financial corporations to households amounted to NOK 2 229 billion at the end of April; an increase of NOK 145 billion from April last year. A total of 84.5 per cent of households’ total loans from financial corporations were secured on dwellings at end-April.

Decreased growth in repayment loans

Loans secured on dwellings consist of two types of loans: repayment loans and credit lines. At the end of April, the repayment loans constituted a share of 80.1 per cent of all housing loans to households, and amounted to NOK 1 785 billion. This is an increase of NOK 11.5 billion from previous month and an increase of about NOK 150 billion from April last year. The twelve-month growth in the households repayment loans was 9.1 per cent to end-April; a decrease from 9.5 per cent the previous month.

Credit lines secured on dwellings from financial corporations to households amounted to NOK 444 billion at the end of April; a decline of NOK 177 billion from the previous month. The twelve-month growth in credit lines secured on dwellings to households was -0.9 per cent at end-April, and has been negative since June 2013.

Higher growth in housing loans from mortgage companies

Loans secured on dwellings from mortgage companies totalled NOK 1 122 billion at the end of April. This is an increase of NOK 12.8 billion compared to the previous month. The twelve-month growth in housing loans from mortgage companies to households was 4.3 per cent at end-April; an increase from 2.2 per cent to end-March.

Banks’ housing loans to households amounted to NOK 1 046 billion at the end of April. This is an increase of NOK 96.7 billion compared to April last year and corresponds to a twelve-month growth of 10.2 per cent.

Housing loans from state lending institutions to households totalled NOK 62 billion at the end of April. The twelve-month growth in these loans was 2.5 per cent; a decrease from 2.8 per cent the previous month.