Increased growth in housing loans
Banking and financial markets
orbofbm, Financial corporations, balance sheet, banks, mortgage companies, finance companies, state lending institutions, loans, deposits, financing, mortgages, bonds, commercial papers, shares, ownership interest, assets, liabilities, foreign banks, borrowers, balancesFinancial institutions and other financial corporations, Banking and financial markets

Financial corporations, balance sheetJune 2015

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.



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Increased growth in housing loans

The twelve-month growth in housing loans from financial corporations to households was 7.4 per cent to end-June, up from 7.2 per cent to end-May. Compared to end-June last year, the twelve-month growth has increased by 0.8 percentage points.

Balance sheet. Selected figures. NOK million and per cent
June 2014June 2015June 2014 - June 2015
Bank total assets4 308 9874 712 2409.4
Deposits2 936 7703 193 6828.7
Loans3 165 8263 473 3579.7
Mortgage companies
Bank total assets1 815 5751 919 1376
Loans1 500 4531 544 1562.9
Figure 1. Financial corporations. Loans secured on dwellings to households

Loans secured on dwellings from financial corporations to households amounted to NOK 2 271 billion at the end of June, an increase of NOK 157 billion from end-June last year. A total of 85 per cent of households’ loans from financial corporations were secured on dwellings at end-June.

Increased growth in repayment loans

Loans secured on dwellings consist of two types of loans: repayment loans and credit lines. At the end of June, the repayment loans constituted a share of 81 per cent of all housing loans to households, and amounted to NOK 1 828 billion. This is an increase of NOK 23 billion from the previous month and an increase of about NOK 162 billion from June last year. The twelve-month growth in the households’ repayment loans was 9.7 per cent to end-June; an increase from 9.5 per cent the previous month.

Credit lines secured on dwellings from financial corporations to households amounted to NOK 443 billion at the end of June, a decline of NOK 1.5 billion from the previous month. The twelve-month growth in credit lines secured on dwellings to households was -1.0 per cent at end-June, and has been negative since June 2013.

Higher growth in housing loans from banks and mortgage companies

Banks and mortgage companies’ housing loans to households constituted a share of 97 per cent of total housing loans, and amounted to NOK 2 209 billion at the end of June. This is an increase of NOK 156 billion compared to the end of June last year and corresponds to a twelve-month growth of 7.6 per cent. Compared to end-June last year, the twelve-month growth has increased by 0.9 percentage points.

Housing loans from state lending institutions to households totalled NOK 62 billion at the end of June. The twelve-month growth in these loans was 1.6 per cent; a decrease from 1.9 per cent the previous month.