Banking and financial markets
Statistikken gir oversikt over de norske fondenes balanse, med fokus på sektoriserte opplysninger om andelskapital i fondene og hva fondene eier av ulike verdipapirer. Utvalget er alle fond registrert i Finanstilsynets konsesjonsregister. Husholdninger, finansielle foretak og utenlandske aktører er noen av de sektorene som eier fondene.

Mutual funds, quarterly figuresQ3 2016



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List of Tables
NumberTable titleNew window ExcelCSV
Table 1Outstanding amounts and net purchases of mutual fund shares. Market value (NOK million)fullscreen-iconOutstanding amounts and net purchases of mutual fund shares. Market value (NOK million)excel-iconOutstanding amounts and net purchases of mutual fund shares. Market value (NOK million)csv-iconOutstanding amounts and net purchases of mutual fund shares. Market value (NOK million)
Table 2Holdings of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors. NOK millionfullscreen-iconHoldings of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors. NOK millionexcel-iconHoldings of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors. NOK millioncsv-iconHoldings of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors. NOK million
Table 3Net purchases of mutual fund shares by purchasing sectors. NOK millionfullscreen-iconNet purchases of mutual fund shares by purchasing sectors. NOK millionexcel-iconNet purchases of mutual fund shares by purchasing sectors. NOK millioncsv-iconNet purchases of mutual fund shares by purchasing sectors. NOK million
Table 4Mutual Funds' assets. Market value. NOK Millionfullscreen-iconMutual Funds' assets. Market value. NOK Millionexcel-iconMutual Funds' assets. Market value. NOK Millioncsv-iconMutual Funds' assets. Market value. NOK Million
Table 5Outstanding amounts of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds. Last quarter (NOK million)fullscreen-iconOutstanding amounts of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds. Last quarter (NOK million)excel-iconOutstanding amounts of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds. Last quarter (NOK million)csv-iconOutstanding amounts of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds. Last quarter (NOK million)
Table 6Net purchases of Norwegian mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds. Last quarter. NOK millionfullscreen-iconNet purchases of Norwegian mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds. Last quarter. NOK millionexcel-iconNet purchases of Norwegian mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds. Last quarter. NOK millioncsv-iconNet purchases of Norwegian mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds. Last quarter. NOK million

For more tables: Go to StatBank