What the figures say
This is Norway 2009
A brief introduction to life in Norway: This is Norway describes the development in important areas of society using statistics from Statistics Norway.
What do the figures tell us? Statistics and data on Norwegian society surround us from all sides, and are often just one (or a few) clicks away. Finding the information is one thing, however finding a good description of phenomena or trends is something quite different. The figures must be compared, and differences, correlations and trends must be described and interpreted.
In This is Norway, Statistics Norway presents statistics on a range of areas in Norwegian society. Priority is given to ensuring that the publication is easy to read and understand. The first edition of This is Norway was published in 2003. The extensive feedback we have received is extremely positive and implies that the publication has many different types of users and areas of application.
About the publication
- Title
This is Norway 2009. What the figures say
- Authors
Jan Erik Kristiansen, Ingrid Modig, Gro Flatebø
- Publisher
Statistics Norway
- Topic
Population count
- ISBN (printed)
- Language
- About Booklets
Small publications about broad and popular topics.
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