Fewer foreign adoptions
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
adopsjon, Adoptions, international adoptions, step children, foster children, country background, adoptive parentsBirths and deaths, Immigrants , Population, Children, families and households, Population, Immigration and immigrants




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Fewer foreign adoptions

There were 553 adoptions in Norway last year, of which 298 were adoptions from a foreign country. There has not been this few foreign adoptions since the beginning of the 1970s, the figure has more than halved since 2005.

Adopted from China, South Korea and Colombia. 1980-2008

Adoptions, by type of adoption. 1970-2008

The decrease in the number of foreign adoptions is mainly due to the fact that more and more countries are trying to find solutions for the children in their own country. The result is that fewer children are released for adoption to other countries, while the number of people who wish to adopt is increasing.

Compared to 2007, China and Colombia had the largest decrease in the number of adopted children. However, most of the children adopted from abroad came from China, Colombia and South Korea. Most of the foreign children adopted were younger than three years old, and there were 140 boys and 158 girls adopted from abroad last year.

In 2008, 223 adoptions of stepchildren were registered, which is a small decrease (-13) from 2007. In 71 per cent of the adoptions of stepchildren, the adoptive parent was a stepfather in a marriage. In the rest of the cases, the adoptive parent was a partner in a partnership. This is at the same level as the previous year. Half of the stepchildren that were adopted were children under 18 years old, and among these, half of the children were under three years old.

Type of adoption. 2008. Per cent

Most adoptions in Akershus

The counties of Akershus (75), Oslo (70) and Hordaland (69) had the highest number of adoptions.

If we consider the figures related to the total population, the national average was 12 adoptions per 100 000 inhabitants. The counties of Finnmark (19) and Hordaland (15) had the highest number of adoptions per 100 000 inhabitants. Hedmark (5), Sogn og Fjordane (7) and Telemark (7) had the lowest numbers.
