

All releases for Adoptions - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
2 June 2016 2015 Fewer inter-country adoptions
4 June 2015 2014 Adoption numbers continue to fall
5 June 2014 2013 Few inter-country adoptions
12 June 2008 2007 Increase in adoptions of stepchildren
6 June 2013 2012 Adoption numbers continue to fall
7 June 2012 2011 Less than 500 adoptions in 2011
8 June 2011 2010 More adopted boys from China
9 June 2010 2009 Almost 600 adoptions in 2009
6 July 2000 1999 Stable adoption numbers
20 June 2001 2000 Foreign adoptions increasing
20 June 2002 2001 More adoptions - many Chinese girls
19 June 2003 2002 About 1 of 3 adoptions from China
15 June 2006 2005 Increase in adoptions
17 June 2004 2003 Fewer adoptions in 2003
16 June 2005 2004 791 children adopted in 2004
19 December 2007 2006 Fewer adopted from China
11 June 2009 2008 Fewer foreign adoptions