Most refugees from Iraq
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
flyktninger, Persons with refugee background, refugees, principal applicants, resettlement refugees, quota refugees, asylum cases, asylum seekers, family reunification, marriage establishment, country backgroundImmigrants , Population, Population count, Population, Immigration and immigrants

Persons with refugee background1 January 2006



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Most refugees from Iraq

At the beginning of January 2006, Norway's refugee population counted over 117 000 people, or 2.5 per cent of the entire Norwegian population. The two largest groups were refugees from Iraq (15 900) and Somalia (13 000).

Refugees by refugee status. 1 January 2006

89 000 persons were registered as principal applicants, while 28 000 came to Norway as dependents.

Around 74 per cent of the refugee population came from third world countries, while the rest came from Eastern Europe.

Refugees, by country background.
1 January 2006
Country      1 January 2006
Total  117 231
Iraq 15 917
Somalia 12 958
Bosnia-Herzegovina 12 006
Iran 11 107
Vietnam 10 672
Serbia and Montenegro      8 117
Sri Lanka 6 033
Afghanistan 5 766
Chile 4 465
Russia 3 405
Ethiopia 2 122
Croatia 1 776
Eritrea 1 669
Turkey 1 660
Pakistan 1 410
Poland 1 157
Macedonia 1 052
Lebanon  931
Rest 15 008

Population total and refugees by age and sex. 1 January 2006. Per cent

At 1 January 2006, 50 per cent of the refugees had Norwegian citizenship. This percentage varies from below 10 per cent for people with Russian and Afghani background, to 80 per cent or higher for people from Vietnam and Sri Lanka.

There was an overweight of men among the refugees, around 8 700 more men than women at 1 January 2006.

66 per cent of the refugees were aged 20-49.Only 5 per cent of the refugees belonged to the age group 60 years or older.

Oslo is still home to most refugees. Around 32 500 refugees lived in Oslo, and they made up 6 per cent of the city’s total population.
