Record population growth continues in 2012
folkber, Estimated population at the term of the year, population, inhabitants, increase in populationPopulation count, Population

Estimated population at the term of the year1 January 2013



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These statistics are only relevant in the period December-February. The most recent population figures are given in the statistics Population and quarterly changes , while population by age can be found in the statistics Population by age, sex, marital status and citizenship

Record population growth continues in 2012

The population of Norway is expected to reach about 5 053 500 persons by the end of 2012. This figure represents a population growth of 67 600 persons, or 1.4 per cent, since the end of 2011. The growth is 2 000 more than in 2011, which at the time was also a record year for growth.

Estimated population growth and population. The whole country and the ten largest municipalities.
Population January 1st, finale fuguresEstimated population growthEstimated population 31st DecemberEstimated population growth. Per cent
The whole country5 051 27557 7695 109 0441.1
Fredrikstad76 80777777 5841.0
Bærum116 6771 956118 6331.7
Oslo623 96610 280634 2461.6
Drammen65 47367766 1501.0
Kristiansand84 4761 55586 0311.8
Sandnes70 0461 93971 9852.8
Stavanger129 1911 597130 7881.2
Bergen267 9504 051272 0011.5
Trondheim179 6922 425182 1171.3
Tromsø70 3581 26971 6271.8

Estimated population growth. County.  2012. Per cent

Excess of births, net migration and population growth. The whole country. 1951-2012

The population growth of 67 600 will be approximately twice as high as in the years preceding 2006. In the seven years from 2006 onwards, the population growth has totalled 413 000. Not since 1920 has the percentage growth been at the same level. Seventy-two per cent of the population growth will come from migration surplus from abroad, and 28 per cent will be due to the birth surplus. Earlier figures show that the birth surplus in the middle of the 1990s was around 70 per cent. A net migration from abroad of 48 600 will be the highest result ever recorded; 1 600 higher than in the previous peak year of 2011. A birth excess of 19 000 will be at the same level as in the years from 2008 onwards, but before that we must go back to the years preceding 1975 to find higher figures.

Continuing growth in central populated areas

Population growth in the big cities and central areas continues. However, while 37 per cent of the growth took place in Oslo and Akershus last year, the percentage for these areas in 2012 will be 30.

About the estimation

The population is estimated for the country as a whole and at county and municipality level. It is based on information from the population register, using data on births, deaths and migration up to 1 December 2012. The population growth in December is estimated using approximately the same relative growth as in December 2011. If the level of births, deaths and migration changes markedly in December this year compared to last year, the population will vary correspondingly.


For some municipalities, estimated figures as of 1 January 2013 seem to break with the trend so far this year, but this is due to the estimation method used. This is especially visible in small municipalities, where the figures must be regarded as a preliminary estimate.