Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
The statistics shows the population in Norway and in all the Norwegian counties and municipalities. The population figures at the end of the year shows figures for age, sex, marital status and citizenship. Population changes for births, deaths, immigration, emigration and net migration are published quarterly.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Population and population changesDownload table as ...Population and population changes
2024 4th quarter 2024 Population at the beginning of the period 5 550 203 5 585 044 Population growth 44 137 9 296 Population at the end of the period 5 594 340 5 594 340 Excess of births 9 771 502 Births 54 013 12 082 Deaths 44 242 11 580 Net migration 34 083 8 518 Immigration 66 082 15 287 Emigration 31 999 6 769 Statistical adjustments 283 276 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Population and changes during quarterDownload table as ...Population and changes during quarter
4th quarter 2023 4th quarter 2024 Changes from same period previous year Population at the beginning of the quarter 5 533 582 5 585 044 51 462 Births 11 909 12 082 173 Deaths 11 752 11 580 -172 Excess of births 157 502 345 Immigration 23 548 15 287 -8 261 Emigration 7 091 6 769 -322 Net migration, immigration and emigration incl 16 457 8 518 -7 939 Statistical adjustments 7 276 269 Population growth 16 621 9 296 -7 325 Population at the end of the quarter 5 550 203 5 594 340 44 137 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Immigration and emigration by citizenship during quarterDownload table as ...Immigration and emigration by citizenship during quarter
4th quarter 2024 Immigration Emigration Net immigration Ukraine 4 849 1 659 3 190 Syria 590 23 567 Poland 855 477 378 Sweden 567 258 309 Spain 353 86 267 Romania 324 69 255 Afghanistan 235 17 218 Germany 363 162 201 France 237 53 184 Italy 234 60 174 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Population, by age. 1. JanuaryDownload table as ...Population, by age. 1. January
2025 Change in percent 2024 - 2025 2020 - 2025 2015 - 2025 Total 5 594 340 0.8 4.2 8.3 0 years 54 168 3.4 -1.2 -8.8 1-5 years 278 343 -1.1 -6.1 -11.5 6-12 years 435 753 -1.2 -3.4 0.5 13-15 years 203 665 -0.4 6.6 7.8 16-19 years 270 871 2.2 6.1 3.2 20-44 years 1 859 180 0.7 3.9 5.7 45-66 years 1 554 724 0.7 3.5 9.1 67-79 years 667 099 1.2 11.8 32.8 80-89 years 224 953 6.7 21.3 27.1 90 years or older 45 584 -0.3 0.8 4.8 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Foreign citizens by citizenship and sex. 1. JanuaryDownload table as ...Foreign citizens by citizenship and sex. 1. January
Citizenship 2025 Males and females Males Females Total 645 629 345 261 300 368 Of this(15 largest): Poland 111 063 71 255 39 808 Ukraine 80 336 34 869 45 467 Lithuania 48 895 28 134 20 761 Sweden 34 574 18 796 15 778 Germany 26 442 13 717 12 725 Syria 25 960 14 387 11 573 Romania 18 681 11 252 7 429 Denmark 18 549 10 240 8 309 United Kingdom 14 896 10 016 4 880 Latvia 13 675 8 223 5 452 Spain 12 434 6 852 5 582 India 11 984 6 601 5 383 Philippines 9 675 2 572 7 103 Thailand 9 673 1 492 8 181 Netherlands 9 660 5 406 4 254 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 3 June 2021.
Mean population
Average population at the beginning and end of the year.
Who is regarded as a resident of Norway and where in Norway a person shall be counted as a resident, is stipulated in the Population Registration Act of 16 January 1970. The regulations to the act were amended effective 1 February 1980.
The following main points from the registration rules decide who is regarded as a resident of Norway
Persons from countries outside the Nordic countries are regarded as residents of Norway when they have lived here or intend to live here at least 6 months, even though the stay is temporary. The same six-month rule applies to migration from Norway to a country outside the Nordic countries.
The aforementioned six-month rule does not always apply to migration between Norway and another Nordic country. In Denmark, for example, a person is registered as a resident if the person intends to stay in the country at least 3 months. The same limit is used for out-migration. In Sweden and Finland the limit is one year. For persons who come/move to Norway from another Nordic country, the six-month rule is still valid, as residence is decided by the country of immigration's rules, cf. the Nordic agreement on inter-Nordic migration dated 8 May 1989. This agreement replaced a similar agreement from 5 December 1968.
People living in Svalbard, on Jan Mayen or in Norwegian dependencies who on departure were registered in the population register of a Norwegian municipality shall still be counted as residents of that municipality. The same rules apply to people on the Norwegian continental shelf.
Norwegian foreign and consular service staff and Norwegian military personnel posted for duty abroad are counted as residents of Norway. The same applies to their families.
Foreign staff at foreign embassies and consular services and foreign personnel attached to NATO are not counted as residents of Norway. The same applies to their families.
The main rule for where in Norway a person is regarded as a resident is that the person resides where he/she has their regular daily rest (night's sleep).
If the daily rest is taken in shifts at one or more places, the person is regarded as residing where, overall, they can be said to live on a regular basis. Spouses with a joint home and persons sharing a joint home with their children are regarded as residing in this home without regard to where they have their daily rest.
Single persons who attend school in another municipality are as a main rule still regarded as resident of the place they lived before starting school (the residence of their parents). Similar registration principles also apply to conscripts serving their initial military service, alternative national service conscripts, prisoners, and people admitted to hospitals.
Persons admitted to or placed in other institutions or private care are as a main rule regarded as residents when the stay is intended to last, or turns out to last, at least 6 months.
From March 1987 to January 1994 asylum seekers were usually counted as immigrants and hence also as residents even though the processing of their application for residence had not been completed. Before and after this period, only asylum seekers with residence permits have been registered.
Live births.
Excess of births over deaths
The difference between births and deaths also called "net natural increase in the total population". A minus sign means an excess of deaths over births.
In-migration, out-migration
Migration is the relocation of one person between two Norwegian municipalities or between a Norwegian municipality and abroad. People who move several times during a single calendar year are counted each time they move. In the migration statistics for counties, moves between the municipalities in the county are not included.
Net migration
The difference between in-migration and out-migration. A minus sign means net out-migration.
All numbers cover the de jure population.
Population growth
There are two ways of calculating population growth; 1) the total of excess of births over deaths and net migration, or 2) the difference between the population on 1 January in year n+1 minus the population on 1 October (or 1 January in year n). Ideally the two methods should give the same result, but experience shows that there is always discrepancy between the two, due to revisions, annulments, delayed reports etc.
Statistical adjustments
Gives the difference between the two ways of calculating population growth, filling the gap between population growth as we calculate it, and (excess of births over deaths + net migration).
In all the quarterly statistics up to the fourth quarter of 2005 and all preliminary figures of change for the whole year up until and including 2004, the population growth has been calculated as the total of births over deaths and net migration, and provided a basis for preliminary population figures. The population on 1 April, 1 July and 1 October will continue to be calculated this way. Because preliminary figures have been replaced by final population figures as of 1 January 2006 the population growth for one year will be calculated as the population on 1 January in year n+1 minus the population in year n, and correspondingly the population growth for the fourth quarter will be calculated as the population on 1 January in year n+1 minus the population on 1 October.
Clearing-up in The Central Population Register
Persons who stay in the country for less than for six months are not registered and are not included in the figures. The Tax Administration undertakes an ongoing clear-up of the Central Population Register of out-migrated persons who no longer live in Norway. In recent years, clearing-up the Central Population Register has been standard practice.