Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
The statistics cover the number of deaths per week, month and calendar year. Death, death rates, infant mortality and expectation of life can be indications of the general health state of the population.
Selected figures from this statistics
- DeathsDownload table as ...Deaths
2014 2023 2024 Week 11 20251 Deaths, total 40 394 43 803 44 242 873 Males 19 706 21 877 22 187 447 Females 20 688 21 926 22 055 426 Life expectancy at birth Males 80.03 81.39 81.59 Females 84.10 84.63 84.80 1The latest weekly figures have been adjusted upwards based on the usual backlog. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Deaths and death ratesDownload table as ...Deaths and death rates
Deaths Deaths under 1 year of age Deaths per 1000 mean population Infant mortality Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females 2024 44 242 22 187 22 055 111 66 45 7.9 7.9 8.0 2.0 2.4 1.7 2023 43 803 21 877 21 926 106 61 45 7.9 7.9 8.0 2.0 2.3 1.8 2022 45 774 22 882 22 892 97 56 41 8.4 8.3 8.5 1.9 2.1 1.6 2019 40 684 19 979 20 705 114 69 45 7.6 7.4 7.8 2.1 2.4 1.7 2014 40 394 19 706 20 688 144 80 64 7.9 7.6 8.1 2.4 2.6 2.2 2004 41 200 19 991 21 209 185 99 86 9.0 8.8 9.2 3.2 3.3 3.1 1994 44 071 22 348 21 723 312 179 133 10.2 10.4 9.9 5.2 5.8 4.6 1984 42 581 23 005 19 576 419 214 205 10.3 11.2 9.4 8.3 8.3 8.4 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Age-specific death rates for males and femalesDownload table as ...Age-specific death rates for males and females
2024 Deaths per 100 000 mean population Males Females 0-4 years 54 48 5-9 years 3 8 10-14 years 7 8 15-19 years 40 17 20-24 years 49 18 25-29 years 64 29 30-34 years 65 29 35-39 years 85 39 40-44 years 122 59 45-49 years 159 101 50-54 years 248 174 55-59 years 394 272 60-64 years 661 424 65-69 years 1 147 791 70-74 years 1 896 1 310 75-79 years 3 285 2 440 80-84 years 5 944 4 334 85-89 years 11 361 8 862 90 years or older 25 047 21 567 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Life expectancy - remaining years for males and females at selected ages.Download table as ...Life expectancy - remaining years for males and females at selected ages.
0 years 1 year 5 years 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years 50 years 60 years 70 years 80 years Males 2024 81.59 80.78 76.81 71.82 61.98 52.30 42.65 33.17 24.07 15.81 8.84 2023 81.39 80.57 76.63 71.67 61.84 52.16 42.55 33.08 23.98 15.71 8.78 2022 80.92 80.09 76.13 71.17 61.30 51.61 41.93 32.43 23.42 15.21 8.33 2019 81.19 80.39 76.44 71.47 61.61 51.96 42.30 32.78 23.73 15.55 8.65 2014 80.03 79.24 75.29 70.33 60.44 50.80 41.20 31.74 22.81 14.79 8.19 2004 77.50 76.76 72.84 67.86 58.07 48.63 39.08 29.75 21.06 13.40 7.28 1994 74.88 74.31 70.41 65.45 55.70 46.13 36.62 27.45 18.98 11.96 6.66 Females 2024 84.80 83.94 80.00 75.03 65.12 55.26 45.43 35.75 26.43 17.71 10.18 2023 84.63 83.78 79.84 74.87 64.95 55.09 45.30 35.67 26.36 17.67 10.10 2022 84.35 83.49 79.52 74.54 64.61 54.76 44.92 35.31 25.99 17.31 9.86 2019 84.68 83.83 79.86 74.87 64.96 55.11 45.30 35.62 26.32 17.64 10.16 2014 84.10 83.28 79.31 74.33 64.39 54.51 44.70 35.08 25.92 17.39 9.89 2004 82.33 81.59 77.63 72.68 62.82 53.04 43.30 33.82 24.79 16.37 9.15 1994 80.64 80.01 76.12 71.17 61.32 51.49 41.76 32.33 23.42 15.25 8.44 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Perinatal and infant mortalityDownload table as ...Perinatal and infant mortality
Late fetal deaths (deaths per 1000 births) Perinatal mortality (deaths per 1000 births) Under 24 hours (deaths per 1000 live births) Under 1 week (deaths per 1000 live births) Under 4 week (deaths per 1000 live births) 4 weeks - under 1 year (deaths per 1000 live births) Under 1 year, total (deaths per 1000 live births) 2024 2.1 3.3 0.6 1.1 1.6 0.5 2.1 2023 2.4 3.4 0.3 1.0 1.3 0.7 2.0 2022 2.0 3.0 0.4 1.1 1.4 0.4 1.9 2019 2.3 3.2 0.5 0.9 1.3 0.8 2.1 2014 3.5 5.0 0.7 1.5 1.9 0.6 2.4 2004 3.6 5.2 0.8 1.6 2.2 1.0 3.2 1994 4.5 7.5 1.8 3.0 3.6 1.6 5.2 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Life tablesDownload table as ...Life tables
2024 Survivors (per 100 000) at age x Death (per 100 000) at age x to x+1 Life expectancy - remaining years at age x Probability of death at age x (per 1 000) Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females 0 years 100 000 100 000 100 000 208 241 174 83.20 81.59 84.80 2.082 2.411 1.736 1 year 99 792 99 759 99 826 24 18 31 82.37 80.78 83.94 0.245 0.184 0.309 2 years 99 767 99 741 99 796 9 7 11 81.39 79.80 82.97 0.090 0.070 0.110 3 years 99 758 99 734 99 785 14 7 22 80.40 78.80 81.98 0.140 0.069 0.215 4 years 99 744 99 727 99 763 5 3 7 79.41 77.81 81.00 0.053 0.035 0.073 5 years 99 739 99 723 99 756 5 3 7 78.41 76.81 80.00 0.052 0.034 0.072 6 years 99 734 99 720 99 749 3 3 4 77.41 75.82 79.01 0.034 0.033 0.035 7 years 99 730 99 717 99 745 13 6 20 76.42 74.82 78.01 0.131 0.064 0.203 8 years 99 717 99 710 99 725 3 3 3 75.43 73.82 77.03 0.032 0.031 0.033 9 years 99 714 99 707 99 722 3 0 7 74.43 72.82 76.03 0.032 0.000 0.066 10 years 99 711 99 707 99 715 6 6 6 73.43 71.82 75.03 0.063 0.062 0.065 11 years 99 705 99 701 99 709 6 3 10 72.44 70.83 74.04 0.062 0.030 0.095 12 years 99 698 99 698 99 699 6 9 3 71.44 69.83 73.05 0.061 0.089 0.031 13 years 99 692 99 689 99 696 10 6 15 70.45 68.84 72.05 0.105 0.058 0.154 14 years 99 682 99 683 99 681 9 11 6 69.45 67.84 71.06 0.088 0.114 0.060 15 years 99 673 99 672 99 675 25 39 9 68.46 66.85 70.06 0.247 0.395 0.090 16 years 99 649 99 633 99 666 26 34 18 67.48 65.88 69.07 0.266 0.343 0.183 17 years 99 622 99 599 99 647 16 32 0 66.49 64.90 68.08 0.164 0.317 0.000 18 years 99 606 99 567 99 647 43 55 31 65.50 63.92 67.08 0.433 0.549 0.309 19 years 99 563 99 512 99 617 33 41 25 64.53 62.95 66.10 0.333 0.412 0.250 20 years 99 530 99 471 99 592 39 47 31 63.55 61.98 65.12 0.395 0.475 0.312 21 years 99 490 99 424 99 561 26 45 6 62.58 61.01 64.14 0.261 0.452 0.063 22 years 99 464 99 379 99 554 32 44 19 61.59 60.04 63.14 0.321 0.448 0.187 23 years 99 432 99 335 99 536 36 57 15 60.61 59.06 62.16 0.367 0.570 0.152 24 years 99 396 99 278 99 521 35 49 21 59.64 58.10 61.17 0.356 0.496 0.206 25 years 99 360 99 229 99 500 46 68 23 58.66 57.12 60.18 0.466 0.686 0.232 26 years 99 314 99 161 99 477 43 62 23 57.68 56.16 59.19 0.429 0.621 0.227 27 years 99 272 99 099 99 454 43 55 30 56.71 55.20 58.21 0.429 0.550 0.302 28 years 99 229 99 045 99 424 51 72 30 55.73 54.23 57.22 0.515 0.722 0.298 29 years 99 178 98 973 99 395 51 64 37 54.76 53.27 56.24 0.513 0.643 0.377 30 years 99 127 98 910 99 357 31 33 29 53.79 52.30 55.26 0.312 0.331 0.293 31 years 99 096 98 877 99 328 44 64 23 52.81 51.32 54.28 0.447 0.649 0.236 32 years 99 052 98 813 99 305 50 70 28 51.83 50.35 53.29 0.501 0.709 0.283 33 years 99 002 98 742 99 277 45 67 23 50.86 49.39 52.30 0.457 0.678 0.227 34 years 98 957 98 676 99 254 63 84 42 49.88 48.42 51.32 0.641 0.848 0.427 35 years 98 893 98 592 99 212 49 55 43 48.91 47.46 50.34 0.498 0.562 0.431 36 years 98 844 98 536 99 169 48 74 21 47.93 46.49 49.36 0.483 0.751 0.207 37 years 98 796 98 462 99 149 58 80 34 46.96 45.52 48.37 0.585 0.816 0.344 38 years 98 739 98 382 99 114 60 78 40 45.98 44.56 47.39 0.605 0.795 0.404 39 years 98 679 98 304 99 074 94 131 54 45.01 43.59 46.40 0.949 1.336 0.546 40 years 98 585 98 173 99 020 96 112 79 44.05 42.65 45.43 0.973 1.138 0.802 41 years 98 489 98 061 98 941 83 119 44 43.10 41.70 44.47 0.840 1.215 0.445 42 years 98 407 97 942 98 897 78 108 47 42.13 40.75 43.49 0.794 1.101 0.475 43 years 98 328 97 834 98 850 89 119 58 41.17 39.79 42.51 0.910 1.216 0.591 44 years 98 239 97 715 98 791 102 137 64 40.20 38.84 41.53 1.038 1.406 0.652 45 years 98 137 97 578 98 727 111 136 85 39.24 37.89 40.56 1.136 1.397 0.862 46 years 98 026 97 441 98 642 108 133 81 38.29 36.95 39.59 1.099 1.369 0.816 47 years 97 918 97 308 98 561 131 148 113 37.33 36.00 38.62 1.333 1.516 1.142 48 years 97 787 97 160 98 449 119 166 70 36.38 35.05 37.67 1.219 1.705 0.715 49 years 97 668 96 995 98 379 167 187 147 35.42 34.11 36.69 1.712 1.929 1.489 50 years 97 501 96 808 98 232 164 193 134 34.48 33.17 35.75 1.685 1.996 1.362 51 years 97 337 96 614 98 098 201 247 153 33.54 32.24 34.80 2.069 2.555 1.563 52 years 97 135 96 367 97 945 186 214 156 32.61 31.32 33.85 1.911 2.220 1.590 53 years 96 950 96 154 97 789 231 263 198 31.67 30.39 32.90 2.386 2.731 2.028 54 years 96 718 95 891 97 591 244 276 211 30.74 29.47 31.97 2.527 2.882 2.159 55 years 96 474 95 615 97 380 267 290 244 29.82 28.56 31.04 2.771 3.031 2.501 56 years 96 207 95 325 97 137 270 308 229 28.90 27.64 30.11 2.803 3.230 2.362 57 years 95 937 95 017 96 907 327 391 259 27.98 26.73 29.18 3.405 4.110 2.670 58 years 95 610 94 626 96 648 350 440 255 27.08 25.84 28.26 3.666 4.648 2.636 59 years 95 260 94 187 96 394 389 443 331 26.17 24.96 27.33 4.081 4.706 3.431 60 years 94 871 93 743 96 063 434 534 330 25.28 24.07 26.43 4.579 5.693 3.433 61 years 94 436 93 210 95 733 503 603 398 24.39 23.21 25.52 5.331 6.472 4.160 62 years 93 933 92 606 95 335 465 551 374 23.52 22.35 24.62 4.952 5.952 3.924 63 years 93 468 92 055 94 961 519 612 421 22.64 21.48 23.71 5.555 6.648 4.438 64 years 92 949 91 443 94 539 632 758 498 21.76 20.62 22.82 6.794 8.292 5.266 65 years 92 317 90 685 94 041 703 830 571 20.90 19.79 21.94 7.620 9.151 6.075 66 years 91 614 89 855 93 470 793 937 646 20.06 18.97 21.07 8.661 10.424 6.906 67 years 90 820 88 918 92 825 893 1 030 751 19.23 18.17 20.21 9.828 11.585 8.094 68 years 89 928 87 888 92 073 917 1 073 756 18.42 17.37 19.37 10.195 12.212 8.216 69 years 89 011 86 815 91 317 1 075 1 211 936 17.60 16.58 18.53 12.076 13.949 10.254 70 years 87 936 85 604 90 381 1 148 1 414 879 16.81 15.81 17.71 13.054 16.520 9.722 71 years 86 788 84 190 89 502 1 272 1 453 1 087 16.03 15.07 16.88 14.654 17.264 12.145 72 years 85 516 82 736 88 415 1 323 1 553 1 085 15.26 14.32 16.08 15.469 18.765 12.268 73 years 84 193 81 184 87 330 1 387 1 501 1 268 14.49 13.59 15.28 16.472 18.486 14.522 74 years 82 806 79 683 86 062 1 655 1 852 1 451 13.72 12.83 14.50 19.987 23.247 16.862 75 years 81 151 77 831 84 611 1 820 2 015 1 617 12.99 12.13 13.74 22.430 25.893 19.113 76 years 79 331 75 815 82 994 2 014 2 234 1 786 12.28 11.44 12.99 25.382 29.468 21.524 77 years 77 318 73 581 81 207 2 091 2 389 1 789 11.59 10.77 12.27 27.049 32.464 22.028 78 years 75 226 71 193 79 418 2 380 2 538 2 222 10.90 10.11 11.53 31.633 35.657 27.985 79 years 72 847 68 654 77 196 2 561 2 733 2 393 10.24 9.47 10.85 35.151 39.802 30.997 80 years 70 286 65 922 74 803 2 820 2 998 2 646 9.59 8.84 10.18 40.127 45.484 35.371 81 years 67 466 62 923 72 157 2 982 3 362 2 614 8.97 8.24 9.54 44.195 53.432 36.224 82 years 64 484 59 561 69 543 3 323 3 615 3 058 8.36 7.67 8.88 51.537 60.699 43.978 83 years 61 161 55 946 66 485 3 292 3 629 2 989 7.79 7.14 8.26 53.823 64.867 44.962 84 years 57 869 52 317 63 496 3 695 3 835 3 588 7.20 6.60 7.63 63.854 73.304 56.501 85 years 54 174 48 482 59 908 4 099 4 117 4 121 6.66 6.08 7.06 75.669 84.910 68.789 86 years 50 074 44 365 55 787 4 301 4 313 4 339 6.17 5.60 6.54 85.900 97.227 77.772 87 years 45 773 40 052 51 448 4 286 4 456 4 192 5.70 5.15 6.05 93.638 111.249 81.486 88 years 41 487 35 596 47 256 4 553 4 376 4 783 5.23 4.73 5.54 109.757 122.926 101.216 89 years 36 933 31 220 42 473 4 466 4 506 4 524 4.82 4.32 5.11 120.927 144.334 106.507 90 years 32 467 26 714 37 949 4 539 4 304 4 841 4.41 3.96 4.66 139.813 161.124 127.574 91 years 27 928 22 410 33 108 4 435 4 237 4 706 4.05 3.63 4.27 158.802 189.076 142.126 92 years 23 493 18 173 28 402 4 189 3 665 4 730 3.72 3.36 3.89 178.325 201.697 166.528 93 years 19 303 14 507 23 673 3 874 3 176 4 553 3.42 3.08 3.57 200.710 218.912 192.344 94 years 15 429 11 331 19 119 3 513 2 918 4 101 3.15 2.81 3.30 227.716 257.473 214.501 95 years 11 916 8 414 15 018 2 815 2 215 3 379 2.93 2.61 3.06 236.217 263.297 225.021 96 years 9 101 6 199 11 639 2 450 1 921 2 952 2.68 2.36 2.81 269.245 309.874 253.617 97 years 6 651 4 278 8 687 2 008 1 502 2 471 2.49 2.19 2.59 301.905 351.193 284.491 98 years 4 643 2 775 6 216 1 436 927 1 870 2.35 2.11 2.42 309.326 333.991 300.905 99 years 3 207 1 848 4 345 1 098 775 1 382 2.17 1.91 2.25 342.327 419.340 318.097 100 years 2 109 1 073 2 963 714 326 1 027 2.04 1.93 2.06 338.360 303.682 346.641 101 years 1 395 747 1 936 566 389 731 1.83 1.56 1.89 405.857 520.699 377.770 102 years 829 358 1 205 351 195 486 1.74 1.71 1.74 423.829 543.198 403.293 103 years 478 164 719 196 60 301 1.65 2.14 1.58 410.395 366.910 418.633 104 years 282 104 418 112 14 188 1.46 2.10 1.35 398.958 137.697 449.696 105 years 169 89 230 69 13 104 1.10 1.35 1.05 404.935 147.856 453.255 106 years 101 76 126 101 76 126 0.50 0.50 0.50 1 000.000 1 000.000 1 000.000 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 28 March 2023.
Who is counted as a resident of Norway and where in Norway a person is counted as a resident is stipulated in the Population Registration Act of 16 January 1970. The regulations of the act were amended effective February 1st 1980.
Mortality rates
The frequency of deaths in the population. In most cases the rate is multiplied by 1 000 so that it can be interpreted as the number of deaths per 1 000 persons.
Infant mortality
Number of deaths per 1 000 live births among children under the age of one.
Probability of death
Probability of death for a man/woman at age x is the probability that he/she will die before he/she reaches the age of x + 1. Probability of death is estimated for each age level separately for men and women and is used inter alia to estimate life expectancy. Probability of death is not the same as age-specific mortality rates.
Life expectancy - remaining lifetime
Life expectancy or mean lifetime is the number of years a new-born can expect to live under current mortality conditions (period mortality). Life expectancy is estimated on the basis of the age-specific mortality probabilities in the period. Expectation of life is estimated for the various age levels.