Higher population growth due to increased immigration
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
folkendrkv, Population and population change, inhabitants, population growth, births, deaths, immigration, emigration, in-migration, out-migration, excess of births, mean population, population changes, population, net migrationBirths and deaths, Migration , Population, Population count, Population, Immigration and immigrants

Population and population changeQ2 2006



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Higher population growth due to increased immigration

Due to many immigrants, few emigrants, many births and few deaths the population of Norway increased in the second quarter of 2006 by 11 000. The 1st of July Norway had 4 660 000 residents.

Net migration. Internal and from abroad, as a percentage of population 2nd quarter 2006

Net migration by citizenship.  Top 10. 1st and 2nd quarter

Currently there are many immigrants coming to Norway, especially from other European countries. Four quarters in a row, the number of immigrants has exceeded 10 000. Polish immigrants were by far the largest group of immigrants. 1 700 Poles settled in Norway this quarter, an increase of 300 from the 1 400 last quarter.

Excess of births, net migration and population growth, by quarter. 1992-2006

We have to go as far back as 1998 to find a quarter with fewer emigrations than the second quarter of 2006. Due to this, net migration to Norway was high. Only in the third quarter of 1999 net migration was higher.

High birth surplus

There were many births in the second quarter of 2006. We need to go back to 2000 to fins a quarter with more births. At the same time, the numbers of deaths was low. Only once before, during the past 20 years, there have been fewer deaths in a quarter. As a result there was the highest birth surplus registered any quarter for the past twelve years.

The number of births, deaths, immigrations and emigrations vary through the year. Normally there are most people born in the 2.nd and 3.rd quarter of a years. Most deaths are registered in the 1s t and 4t h quarter. Mostly there are most immigrants in the 3r d quarter. Due to this, figures from one quarter should be compared with the same quarter previous years.