Towards record high population growth
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
folkendrkv, Population and population change, inhabitants, population growth, births, deaths, immigration, emigration, in-migration, out-migration, excess of births, mean population, population changes, population, net migrationBirths and deaths, Migration , Population, Population count, Population, Immigration and immigrants

Population and population changeQ3 2006



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Towards record high population growth

As at 1 October 2006, Norway was home to 4 671 900 persons. The population has increased by 31 700 so far in 2006, compared to 25 400 in the same period last year. The biggest ever annual population growth occurred in 1946, reaching 39 200, and it seems 2006 will beat this record.

Excess of births, net migration and population growth. 3rd quarter and 1st to 3rd quarter. 1987-2006

The net immigration has been about 17 100 so far this year and made up close to 54 per cent of the total population growth. The number of births has also been high - 45 100 in the first three quarters. This in combination with a low number of deaths, has resulted in a high birth surplus so far this year.

Population growth in almost all counties

Four of Norway’s nineteen counties have seen a reduction of the population this year - Nordland, Sogn og Fjordane, Oppland and Finnmark. All of them experienced a net out-migration, Oppland also a birth deficit.

Apart from Hedmark, Telemark and Oppland, all counties have experienced a birth surplus so far in 2006. The birth surplus of the third quarter, 5 500, was among the biggest ever registered.

Biggest net immigration to Oslo, Akershus and Rogaland

Oslo, Akershus and Rogaland have the biggest net immigration so far this year. Oslo has a surplus of 5 100, 60 per cent of which is constituted by net immigration from abroad. In relation to the population, Sogn og Fjordane has seen the biggest net internal out-migration to other counties in Norway.

Net migration. Internal and from abroad, as a percentage of population. 3rd quarter 2006.

Net migration by foreign citizens.  Top 10. 1st to 3rd quarter.

Still many Poles

With a net immigration of approximately 4 600, Polish citizens comprise the largest group of immigrants in the first three quarters of 2006. Last year, the corresponding figure was 2 000. The net immigration by Poles is more than four times the size of any of the other citizenships on the list. The newcomer on the list is Burma, having a net immigration of 470 so far this year. Around 34 000 persons have moved to Norway so far this year, while 16 900 have moved out.