Population increases by 13 400
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
folkendrkv, Population and population change, inhabitants, population growth, births, deaths, immigration, emigration, in-migration, out-migration, excess of births, mean population, population changes, population, net migrationBirths and deaths, Migration , Population, Population count, Population, Immigration and immigrants

Population and population changeQ2 2009



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Population increases by 13 400

An increase in excess of births has maintained a high population increase. The size of the population increased by 13 400 to 4 825 500 residents. This is due to an excess of births of 6 400, and a net migration from abroad of 7 000. All the 19 counties had an increase in the population size in the second quarter.

Proportionally, the population increase was highest in Rogaland, Akershus and Østfold, where the population grew by 1 800, 2 100 and 900 persons respectively.

Births, deaths and excess of births, 2nd quarter. 1987-2009

Excess of births, net migration and population growth, 2nd quarter. 1987-2009

Many births

High figures for births together with low figures for deaths resulted in a high excess of births in the second quarter. With 370 more births and 260 fewer deaths than the same quarter last year, the figures for births and deaths were 16 200 and 9 800 respectively.

Excess of births in all counties

There were more births than deaths in all counties during the second quarter. Oslo had the highest excess of births, with 1 500 more births than deaths. Proportionally, the excess of births was highest in Oslo among the counties, with 2.6 per 1 000 inhabitants. Oslo made up almost a quarter of the total excess of births for the whole country.

A total of 31 050 children were born in the first six months, which is 450 more births than the same period last year. A total of 21 350 persons died, which is slightly more than last year. The excess of births added up to 9 700, which was 200 higher than the first six months last year.

Fewer immigrated

A total of 13 100 persons immigrated to Norway during the second quarter, while 6 100 persons emigrated. Compared to the same quarter last year, there were 2 400 fewer immigrations and 550 more emigrations. The migration surplus added up to 7 000, which was 2 950 less than last year.

In migration, out migration and net migration, by citizenship 2nd quarter 2009

Compared with the second quarter last year, 45 per cent or 1 700 fewer Polish citizens came to Norway. There were 320 fewer immigrations of German citizens; the second largest drop in immigrations from a single country. Polish citizens are still the largest group of foreigners immigrating to Norway.

Other large groups of foreign citizens who immigrate to Norway comprise persons from Sweden, Lithuania and Eritrea, with 1 160, 634 and 575 immigrations respectively. Compared to last year, the highest increase in immigration was among citizens of Eritrea (400) and Iceland (300). There was a migration surplus from abroad in all the 19 counties of Norway.

During the first six months, 29 700 persons immigrated to Norway; 2 700 fewer than last year. In the same period, 13 150 emigrated from Norway; 3 100 more compared to last year. This adds up to a net migration of 26 300 for the whole country, which is 5 800 lower than the previous year.

Net migration. Internal and from abroad, as a percentage of population 2nd quarter 2009

Migration loss in Oslo and Finnmark

Akershus county had the largest total migration gain, with 1 300. Proportionally, Østfold county had the largest migration gain, with 775 more immigrations than emigrations. Oslo had the largest migration loss, domestic migrations and migration to and from abroad, with 160. Finnmark had a small migration loss of 9.

Oslo had 2 800 immigrations, which is 1 000 fewer than the same quarter last year. This is still high compared with years preceding 2008. A total of 2 200 emigrated from Oslo. This is about 500 more than the second quarter last year.

Biggest domestic migration surplus in Østfold and Akershus

Out of the seven counties with a domestic migration surplus, Østfold and Akershus had the largest internal net migration, with 800 and 400 respectively. Oppland, Buskerud, Vestfold and Agder counties also had a domestic migration surplus. Rogaland was in balance. Finnmark, Oslo and Troms were the counties with the greatest domestic migration loss compared to the population size.