Fewer migrate to Norway
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
folkendrkv, Population and population change, inhabitants, population growth, births, deaths, immigration, emigration, in-migration, out-migration, excess of births, mean population, population changes, population, net migrationBirths and deaths, Migration , Population, Population count, Population, Immigration and immigrants

Population and population changeQ2 2014



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Fewer migrate to Norway

The population increased by 13 300 during the second quarter to nearly 5 138 000 on 1 July. There were 13 800 migrations from abroad to Norway, which is 2 300 fewer than the second quarter in the previous year.

Population and changes during quarter
2nd quarter 20142nd quarter 2013Changes from same period previous year
Population at the beginning of the quarter5 124 3835 063 70960 674
Births15 76915 67099
Deaths9 8329 79834
Excess of births5 9375 87265
Immigration13 80516 126-2 321
Emigration6 4467 909-1 463
Net migration, immigration and emigration incl7 3598 217-858
Population growth13 29614 089-793
Population at the end of the quarter5 137 6795 077 79859 881

The population growth of 13 300 is 800 lower than the second quarter of 2013, and the smaller increase in population is due to lower net migration from abroad. This is the smallest increase in population in the second quarter since the second quarter of 2007. Net migration from abroad of 7 300 is a result of 13 800 in-migrations and 6 450 out-migrations . Compared to the same quarter last year, there were 2 300 fewer in-migrations and 1 500 fewer out-migrations.

A total of 15 800 children were born during the second quarter, and 9 800 persons died. This is 100 more births and somewhat more deaths than the second quarter of 2013. The birth surplus was therefore about 50 higher.

Mostly Poles and Lithuanians who in-migrated

Of those with foreign citizenship who in-migrated to Norway, Poles continued to make up the largest group with 2 000 in-migrations. A total of 950 Lithuanians and 800 Swedes also immigrated, and these were followed by Eritreans, Romanians and Philippinos, with somewhat fewer than 500 in-migrations each.

As in the second quarter in the previous year, the highest net migration was among those who had Polish and Lithuanian citizenship. As in previous years, Swedish citizens had many migrations to and from Norway. In the second quarter, about 800 Swedes migrated to Norway and 900 migrated from Norway. In the previous year, the corresponding figures were approximately 1 000 in-migrations and 1 000 out-migrations.

Among all in-migrations and all out-migrations, Norwegian citizens represented 1 900 of the in-migrations and 1 700 of the out-migrations.

Population increased most in Akershus

All counties, apart from Sogn og Fjordane, had a population growth. Akershus increased by 3 200. In relation to population, Akershus also had the highest population growth, followed by Vest-Agder, Rogaland and Aust-Agder.

In relation to population, Oslo, Rogaland and Sør-Trøndelag had the highest births surplus, while Hedmark and Oppland had a birth deficit.

Highest internal migration surplus in Akershus

Apart from Oslo, all counties around inner Oslofjord had an internal migration surplus during the second quarter. In addition, Oppland, the Agder counties and Rogaland had a migration surplus. In relation to the population, the highest surplus was in Akershus, Østfold and Vestfold.

Sogn og Fjordane and Oslo had the highest internal migration loss in relation to population.

Migration surplus from abroad in all counties

All counties had a migration surplus from abroad. The highest migration surpluses, in relation to the population, were in Finnmark, Oslo and Troms.

Population increase of 28 600 persons so far this year

So far in 2014, 30 100 children have been born and 20 200 persons have died. The excess of almost 10 000births was about 1 300 higher than the first half of 2013 when there were 300 fewer births and 1 000 more deaths. With 32 900 in-migrations and 14 300 out-migrations in the 1st and 2nd quarter this year, net migration was 18 600. This is related to the high number of out-migrations in the first half of the previous year due to the out registration of foreign citizens who have emigrated without notifying the National Register. Clean-ups in this area have been more common in recent years, but on a smaller scale than in the first half of 2013.