This is an archived release.
Lower net migration
The population increased by 12 400 in the 2nd quarter, to nearly 5 189 400 at 1 July. Net migration from abroad decreased by almost 1 100 compared to the same quarter last year. While net migration caused by labour slowed down, net migration from countries with conflicts increased.
2nd quarter 2015 | 2nd quarter 2014 | Changes from same period previous year | |
Number | |||
Population at the beginning of the quarter | 5 176 998 | 5 124 383 | 52 615 |
Births | 15 807 | 15 769 | 38 |
Deaths | 9 655 | 9 832 | -177 |
Excess of births | 6 152 | 5 937 | 215 |
Immigration | 14 103 | 13 805 | 298 |
Emigration | 7 818 | 6 446 | 1 372 |
Net migration, immigration and emigration incl | 6 285 | 7 359 | -1 074 |
Population growth | 12 437 | 13 296 | -859 |
Population at the end of the quarter | 5 189 435 | 5 137 679 | 51 756 |

The population growth of 12 400 is 900 lower than in the 2nd quarter of 2014, and the lowest growth in any second quarter since 2006. The somewhat lower population growth is due to higher out-migration. The number of in-migrations from abroad increased by nearly 300 compared to the same quarter last year, while the number of out-migrations increased by about 1 400.
About 30 per cent of the out-migrations registered are due to the ongoing clearing-up in the Central Population Register by the Tax Administration of out-migrated persons who no longer live in Norway. Net migration in the 2nd quarter is the highest in any quarter since the 2nd quarter of 2009. Net migration decreased by 3 000 compared to the first six months last year.
Lower net migration from Poland
Net migration of citizens from Eastern Europe, who mainly immigrate due to labour, is slowing down, while net migration from countries with conflicts is increasing. The Poles are still the largest group of foreign nationals who immigrated to Norway in the 2nd quarter, but due to the fact that many Poles were registered as out-migrated in the same period, citizens from Eritrea made up the largest group in terms of net migration.
The list of countries with high net migration shows that citizens from Eritrea, Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan followed. Very few of these out-migrated.
The population growth is still highest in Akershus
A total of 15 800 children were born in the 2nd quarter and 9 700 persons died. This is 200 fewer deaths and somewhat more births compared to last year. Almost all counties had population growth in the 2nd quarter, except Oppland. The counties around the Oslo Fjord had the highest relative population growth. As last year, Akershus had the highest growth with 3 200 persons, followed by Vestfold and Østfold.
Oslo, Rogaland and Hordaland had the highest birth surplus, while Hedmark had a birth deficit in the 2nd quarter.
More persons moved from than to Oslo
Oslo had an internal migration loss that was higher than the migration surplus from abroad. Oppland, Sør-Trøndelag, Troms and Finnmark also had an internal migration loss, while the other counties, and Akershus in particular, had a migration surplus.
All counties had an immigration surplus from abroad, but particularly Oslo, Finnmark and Troms.
Lowest population increase since 2007
Looking back at the year so far, we found that the population growth is the lowest since 2007 and net migration is the lowest since 2006. About 3 100 persons immigrated to Norway and about half as many out-migrated. Almost 30 000 children were born and about 21 000 persons died. The birth surplus is thus 8 700. The birth surplus and the net migration combined make a population increase of nearly 24 000 or 0.46 per cent of the population for the first six months.
Clearing-up in the Central Population RegisterOpen and readClose
Persons who stay in the country for less than six months are not registered and are not included in the figures. The Tax Administration undertakes an ongoing clear-up of the Central Population Register of out-migrated persons who no longer live in Norway. In recent years, clearing-up the Central Population Register has been standard practice.
The statistics is published with Population.
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