Electricity supply up - manufacturing down
Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
kis, Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply, estimated investments, performed investments, investment level, investment valuation, final investmentsEnergy , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , Energy and manufacturing

Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyQ1 2004



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Electricity supply up - manufacturing down

Total investments in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, and electricity supply experienced a moderate decline in 2003. Estimates for 2004 are slightly higher than the corresponding figures for 2003.

Total investments in manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply amounted to approximately NOK 24.7 billion in 2003 measured in current value. This is 7 per cent less than the corresponding figures for 2002. A considerable drop in investments within manufacturing was partly offset by increased activity within electricity supply. The completion of several large projects within production of non-ferrous metals partly explains the weak result for manufacturing. Estimates for 2004 indicate a rise in total investments for both manufacturing and electricity supply.

Final investments 1989-2003. Manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply. Mill. current NOK

New estimation method: From sample to population

Up until and including Q4 2003 Statistics Norway published aggregated investment figures for a sample of approx. 1 900 establishments in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, and electricity supply. The results were estimated as totals of reported figures. High coverage and high response rate were the incentives for using this simple form of aggregation.

To improve the quality of the survey and the capability for comparison across different quantitative statistics, estimated investment figures for the entire population will be published as of Q1 2004. The population includes all active establishments in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, and electricity supply. The Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises will define the population. The new method represents a level shift in the Quarterly Investment Statistics. Estimated investment figures for the population have been calculated back to 1989 and published in ordinary tables and in the StatBank. For more information, please use the link New estimation method .