Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Extraction and related services

The purpose of the statistics is to visualize economic activity on the Norwegian continental shelf, as well as extraction related support activities and services on land. The statistics provide figures such as the total value of production, value added, intermediate consumption and labor costs, and it provides important data source for the national accounts.

Updated: 18 December 2024
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Annual statistics oil and gas activity
    Annual statistics oil and gas activity
    NOK million/numberShareChange in per cent
    202220231 20231 2022 - 2023
    Total value of production2 457 4701 559 892100-36.5
    Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines2 318 5811 374 72588.1-40.7
    Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction138 889185 16711.933.3
    Intermediate consumption, total171 378186 8121009.0
    Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines68 89161 09232.7-11.3
    Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction102 487125 72067.322.7
    Value added, total2 286 0931 373 216100-39.9
    Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines2 249 6911 313 63395.7-41.6
    Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction36 40259 5834.363.7
    Total employees58 72763 5311008.2
    Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines25 96328 40844.79.4
    Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction32 76435 12355.37.2
    1Final figures are published on June 1st
    Explanation of symbols
  • Principal figures for oil and gas activities. NOK million
    Principal figures for oil and gas activities. NOK million
    2020202120222023Change in per cent
    2022 - 2023
    Extraction of crude oil and natural gass, incl. transport via pipelines1
    Gross value of production423 6161 016 9292 318 5811 374 725-40.7
    Intermediate consumption47 61851 69468 89161 092-11.3
    Value added375 998965 2342 249 6911 313 633-41.6
    Value added at factor price369 805956 2932 237 7791 300 481-41.9
    Employees (persons)24 41625 61025 96328 4089.4
    Wage costs40 20740 93044 12756 18727.3
    Royalties6 1938 94111 91213 15210.4
    Accrued investments179 308177 672176 811215 25721.7
    Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction
    Gross value of production137 035134 649138 889185 16733.3
    Intermediate consumption92 13192 876102 487125 72022.7
    Value added44 90441 77336 40259 58363.7
    Value added at factor price44 95541 92236 47759 54763.2
    Employees (persons)33 88733 62132 76435 1237.2
    Wage costs32 91533 31938 80743 06811.0
    Accrued investments6 3233 1815 8484 085-30.1
    1The statistics had several method changes that it affects comparability for the time series. Read more in About the statistics for details information.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 4 October 2023.


In Standard for Industrial Classification (SN07) an enterprise is defined as an organisational unit comprising all economic activities engaged in by one and the same owner. Hence an enterprise is a legal entity covering one or more productive units.


In SN07 an establishment is defined as a local kind of activity unit, which mainly is conducting activities within a special industry group.

Production value

Production value is defined as turn-over corrected for stock change of products and services. Purchase of merchandises is excluded, while own investment works are added.

06 Extraction of crude oil and natural gas

Produced amount * Price
-Transport tariff#1
+Income from border fields
+Own investment works
=Production value

#1 The price on oil and gas being transported by pipelines includes the value of the transport. Since pipeline transport belongs to another industry, the transport tariff needs to be excluded by subtraction.

49.500: Transport via pipelines

The production value consists of transport tariffs in the Gassled system and other pipelines registered in the business register. Small pipelines being an integrated part of a field belongs to the extraction industry. As a preparation for analytical purposes, the tariffs are allocated back to the separate fields. For the Gassled tariffs this is proportionally according to the production volume of natural gas, condensate and NGL, while for the other pipelines the tariffs are reported by field.

09.10: Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction

-Stock change
=Production value

#1 Turnover is defined as the enterprise's operational income, subtracted grants and profit from sale of fixed capital. Duties and taxes are included, except VAT.

Intermediate consumption

Intermediate consumption means the value of applied input goods and services, except depreciation. Until statistic year 2014, that was different methods have been used to calculate intermediate consumption in the extraction and pipeline industries. From 2015 use the same calculation method for extraction and pipeline. See also 'Coherence over time and space' for a description of methodology change between 2015 and 2014.

06 Extraction of crude oil and natural gas

Sum of production costs (for 06 & 49.5): Sum of general operational costs, wage costs and operation costs.


Transport and processing costs (only relevant for fields)


Wage costs




Income outside the joint venture#!


Intermediate consumption

#1 Internal deliveries which are to be excluded, cf. principles for national accounts

09.10: Extraction-related services

Sum operational costs
+Stock change of own produced means of production
-Stoc changes of merchandices (produced and under production)
-Wage costs
-Other reportable allowance
-Employer's contribution
-Other personel costs
-Depreciation of production means and immaterial assets
-Writedown of production means and immaterial assets
-Loss on exit of production means
-Loss on claims
-Commodity cost of sold merchandices
=Intermediate consumption

Value added (market price)

Value added (market price) is defined as the production value less intermediate consumption (i.e. purchase of goods and services, except for re-sale, certain public taxes and grants, and stock changes). In practice, there are no such public taxes or grants in these industries, and no correction is made for stock changes.

Production value
-Intermediate consumption
=Value added (market price)

Value added at factor price

Value added at factor price equals value added (market price) CO2 tax (no other grants or taxes are relevant to these industries).


Employment is defined by the sum of owners and wage-earners working in the unit, and is an annual average. Persons being absent due to holiday, desease, labour conflict, etc. are included. Hired labour force from agency is excluded.

Wage costs

Wage costs encompasses wage, holiday allowances, royalties, employer's contributions, reportable pension costs and other personel costs.


Investment encompasses all accrued Investments. See also Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply.


Crude oil: The norm prices from MPE are applied. The norm price shall correspond to the price that could have been obtained between independent parties in a free market, and is set based on an expert judgement of the market situation. The norm price is used by MPE and the Ministry of Finances as calculation basis for taxes and duties.

Natural gas, condensate and NGL: prices from 2012 based on the ETS, with exception in 2013 that the natural gas was based on OTO.

Border fields

Fields on the national border, that are partly Norwegian and partly British. The statistics cover the Norwegian part only.

Gross investment

Gross investment is considered acquisition of fixed capital (ie. duration more than one year) as buildings and plant, machinery, tools, equipment, furniture and vehicles (except for private use) - both new and used. Additionss are added while sales of used fixed assets are deducted. Gross investments entered with deduction of input VAT.

The industrial classification follows the Norwegian standard industrial classification (SN 2007), which builds on EU's industrial classification NACE Rev. 2 and UN's industrial classification ISIC Rev. 4.


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