No further decline for manufacturing in 2011
Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
kis, Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply, estimated investments, performed investments, investment level, investment valuation, final investmentsEnergy , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , Energy and manufacturing

Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyQ4 2010



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No further decline for manufacturing in 2011

The total level of investment in manufacturing is expected to be lower in 2010 than in 2009, but estimates for 2011 show no further decline for the next year.

Final investments per quarter in manufacturing. Q1 2000-Q3 2010. 2005=100

Estimated investments 2000-2010 collected 4th quarter same year. Mill. current NOK

Total investments in 2010 covering manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply are expected to amount to NOK 34.4 billion measured in current value. This is 9 per cent less than the corresponding figure for 2009. A major decline in investments within manufacturing explains this result. Estimates for 2011 show a 7 per cent growth in total investments next year. High figures for future investments in electricity supply are the reason for this development. Investments in manufacturing are now expected to be at the same level in 2011 as in 2010, which is an improvement compared to the third quarter estimates.

Estimated and final investments. Manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply. NOK million (current value)
  Estimated 2009, collected in Q4 2008 Estimated 2010, collected in Q4 2009 Estimated 2011, collected in Q4 2010 Estimated and final 2009, collected in Q4 2009 Estimated and final 2010, collected in Q3 2010 Estimated and final 2010, collected in Q4 2010
Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying and Electricity Supply 36 089 34 971 37 294 37 973 35 598 34 422
Mining and Quarrying  365  257  976 2 326 1 597 1 698
Manufacturing 23 734 18 404 17 921 22 630 18 943 18 256
Electricity Supply 11 989 16 310 18 397 13 017 15 058 14 467