Moderate growth next year
Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
kis, Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply, estimated investments, performed investments, investment level, investment valuation, final investmentsEnergy , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , Energy and manufacturing

Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyQ3 2013



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Moderate growth next year

Total investments in 2013 are expected to remain at the same level as in 2012. However, the estimate for 2014 shows moderate growth next year. Very high results for transmission and distribution of electricity explain this rise.

Investments. Collected in Q3. Per cent and NOK million1
Estimates collected in Q3 the same year
2013 / 201220122013
1Values at current prices
Manuf., mining and electric power-0.142 14242 104
Manufacturing-0.719 78719 648
Mining and quarrying6.71 4571 554
Electricity, gas and steam0.020 89820 902
Estimates collected in Q3 the previous year
2014 / 201320132014
Manuf., mining and electric power4.537 67139 381
Manufacturing-3.415 72815 196
Mining and quarrying72.05931 020
Electricity, gas and steam8.521 35123 165

New estimates for 2013 show that total investments covering manufacturing, mining & quarrying and electricity supply are expected to amount to NOK 42.1 billion, measured in current value. This result is more or less identical to the corresponding figure for 2012. The estimate for 2014 is 5 per cent higher than the corresponding figure for 2013. The prospect of a further increase in investments within transmission and distribution of electricity is the main reason for this growth.