Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
kis, Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply, estimated investments, performed investments, investment level, investment valuation, final investmentsEnergy , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , Energy and manufacturing

Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyQ4 2018



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For the industries pipeline transport and extraction of oil and gas, the oil companies' initial estimates for 2020 will be published on 21 February. In previous years, the investment estimates for the next year were released in the second quarter, but from now on these will be published in the first quarter.

Investments. NOK million1
Estimates collected in Q4 the same year
2018 / 201720172018
1Values at current prices
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec8.0205 216221 546
Extraction and pipeline transport3.1150 842155 457
Manufacturing12.021 15123 686
Mining and quarrying141.05361 292
Electricity, gas and steam25.832 68841 112
Estimates collected in Q4 the previous year
2019 / 201820182019
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec18.3203 690240 978
Extraction and pipeline transport21.4144 333175 251
Manufacturing27.720 83926 609
Mining and quarrying-9.4779706
Electricity, gas and steam1.837 73838 412