Continued increase in manufacturing
Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
ogibkoms, Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply, industrial turnover, domestic market, export market, valueEnergy , Oil and gas , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , Energy and manufacturing

Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyAugust 2004



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Continued increase in manufacturing

Total turnover in Norwegian manufacturing increased again in August. Seasonally adjusted figures show turnover growth in three of the four main industrial groupings. Figures for the fourth industrial grouping, intermediate goods, show stable turnover compared with the previous three-month period.

Turnover within the Norwegian oil and gas extraction industry was somewhat lower than last month. Total turnover amounted to slightly over NOK 34 billion in August. Despite a high average price of oil, NOK 304 per barrel in August, the decrease in volume was so significant that the total turnover dropped. The turnover dropped mainly due to maintenance work and high export volumes in July.

Turnover, main industrial groupings. Seasonally adjusted. 3-month moving average

Growth in intermediate goods

Seasonally adjusted figures for the last three-month period show a significant growth in total turnover for intermediate goods. The growth was strongest for refined petroleum products and chemicals and chemical products. The growth in turnover in this industry over the last three-month period was 16.2 per cent when compared with the previous period.

Stable turnover of capital goods

Seasonally adjusted figures from the last three-month period show stable turnover for capital goods. Most industries experienced a slight rise in turnover, however, fabricated metal products saw turnover fall by 2.0 per cent.

Growth in consumer goods

Turnover within consumer goods also increased over the last three-month period. The growth in turnover of food products was particularly strong. Seasonally adjusted figures show turnover growth at approximately 6.8 per cent compared with the previous three-month period.

Statistics on turnover of oil and gas extraction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity and gas supply. August 2004
  Original series August 2004 Changes in per cent August 2003-August 2004 Original series1January-August 2004 Changes in per cent January-August 2003-January-August 2004 Changes in per cent. Seasonally adjusted. March-May 2004-June-August 2004
The overall turnover 88 325 12.1  689 675 5.9 6.2
Oil and Gas Extraction 34 285 11.4  272 144 16.4 1.0
Manufacturing 45 915 12.2  341 708 3.9 6.2
Electricity, Gas and Steam Supply 7 001 6.0 69 690 -17.4 30.9
Main industrial groupings          
Intermediate goods 17 734 20.5  132 977 15.8 4.2
Capital goods 9 693 -7.4 75 662 -9.7 0.0
Consumer goods 15 529 14.2  117 237 2.9 6.2
Energy goods 45 368 13.3  363 794 7.4 6.2
1  NOK million.
For more information, contact: ingrid.horverak@ssb.no telephone +47 21 09 42 72 and frank.haraldsen@ssb.no , telephone +47 21 09 42 76.