Increase in manufacturing
Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
ogibkoms, Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply, industrial turnover, domestic market, export market, valueEnergy , Oil and gas , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , Energy and manufacturing

Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyAugust 2005



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Increase in manufacturing

According to seasonally adjusted figures, the turnover in Norwegian manufacturing amounts to nearly 355 billion so far in 2005. This a 3.3 per cent growth compared with the same period last year.

The turnover in Norwegian oil- and gas extraction came to NOK 40 billion in August, up 17.5 per cent compared with the same month last year. According to external trade figures there is once again record high price of crude oil. The average price of oil was NOK 417 per barrel in August, compared with NOK 300 in August last year.

Turnover, main industrial groupings. Seasonally adjusted. 3-months moving average

Capital goods still in progress

Compared with last three-month period the manufacturing industries are up 4.9 per cent. This is mainly due to lasting growth in capital goods. The figures are also positive in intermediate goods. Refined petroleum products and chemicals and chemical products experienced the greatest increase within this particular grouping. Consumer goods, however, is in decline. The largest division, food products, beverages and tobacco contribute to this fall.

Statistics on turnover of oil and gas extraction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity and gas supply. August 2005
  Original series1January-August 2005 Changes in per cent January-August 2004-January-August 2005 Original series1August 2005 Changes in per cent August 2004-August 2005 Changes in per cent. Seasonally adjusted. March-May 2005-June-August 2005
The overall turnover  751 390 8.9 96 719 9.5 -3.6
Oil and Gas Extraction  318 994 17.2 40 288 17.5 -15.0
Manufacturing  352 963 3.3 47 927 4.4 4.9
Electricity, Gas and Steam Supply 72 699 4.3 7 550 7.8 3.0
Main industrial groupings          
Intermediate goods  136 366 2.5 18 465 4.1 2.0
Capital goods 82 576 9.1 11 041 13.9 9.1
Consumer goods  109 531 -6.6 14 347 -7.6 -1.1
Energy goods  422 919 16.3 52 866 16.5 -9.0
1  NOK million.