This is an archived release.
Decreased petroleum production
The total petroleum production on the Norwegian Continental Shelf in the first three months of 2007 was 60.9 million Sm3 oil equivalents (oe). Compared to the same period in 2006 this is a decrease by 4.7 million Sm3 oe. Both the production of oil and gas decreased.
The total production of oil in the first three months of 2007, including NGL and condensate, amounted to 37.8 million Sm3 oe, a decrease by 4.1 million Sm3 oe since the first three months in 2006.
During the first three months of 2007 the gas production was 23 million Sm3 oe, compared to 23.7 million Sm3 in the same period in 2006.
Natural gas production made up 37.8 per cent of the total petroleum production.
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