Small increase in production of petroleum
Energy and manufacturing
ogprodre, Oil and gas activities, production (discontinued), petroleum production, oil production, gas production, condensate, NGL, remaining reserves, oil fields, gas fieldsOil and gas , Energy and manufacturing

Oil and gas activities, production (discontinued)Q2 2008



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Small increase in production of petroleum

The total production of petroleum on the Norwegian Continental Shelf increased in the first six months of 2008 compared to the same period in 2007. The production ended at 122.1 million Sm3 oil equivalents (o.e.); in 2007 it ended at 118.5 million Sm3 o.e. This equals an increase by almost three per cent. The production of oil’s declined, but the growth in the production of gas contributes to an overall increase in the petroleum production.

Total production of natural gas. January-July 1993-2008. 1 000 Sm3

Total production of oil (including NGL and condensate). January-June 1993-2008. 1 000 Sm3

In the first six months of this year the production of natural gas ended at 51.2 million Sm3 o.e. This is an increase by 7.2 million Sm3 o.e. or 16.4 per cent compared to the same period last year. The exploitation of natural gas on the Norwegian Continental Shelf started in 1977 and there have been a steady growth in production since then. Natural gas production makes up 41.9 per cent of the total petroleum production. Today there are 43 Norwegian gas producing fields.

The production of oil ended at 60.4 million Sm3 o.e. in the first half of 2008. This is a decrease of 4.2 million Sm3 o.e. or 6.9 per cent compared to the same period in 2007. There are 52 Norwegian oil producing fields; two of these started their production in 2008, Volve and Alvheim. The largest oilfield is Ekofisk, this is Norway’s first oilfield and oil extraction started in 1971.
