Index of industrial productionApril 2020


All releases for Index of industrial production - monthly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
7 June 2016 April 2016 Minor increase in manufacturing output
10 May 2016 March 2016 Decline in industrial production flattens out
7 April 2016 February 2016 Decline in production continues
7 March 2016 January 2016 Decline in production continues into 2016
5 February 2016 December 2015 Output decline in all four quarters of 2015
8 January 2016 November 2015 Manufacturing production remains weak
7 December 2015 October 2015 Continued decline in manufacturing output
6 November 2015 September 2015 Third consecutive quarterly decline
7 October 2015 August 2015 Still a significant decline in manufacturing
7 September 2015 July 2015 Significant decline in manufacturing
7 August 2015 June 2015 Manufacturing decline in the second quarter
7 July 2015 May 2015 Minor changes in manufacturing
5 June 2015 April 2015 Minor increase in manufacturing output
8 May 2015 March 2015 Manufacturing decline in the first quarter
10 April 2015 February 2015 Continued decline in manufacturing output