Discussion papers
Discussion papers are preliminary research reports circulated for comments and suggestions.
Editors: Kjetil Telle, Bjart Holtsmark, Erling Holmøy, Terje Skjerpen, Kenneth Wiik, Aud Walseth (secretary)
Micro-level dynamics of social assistance receipt
Discussion Papers no. 797
Sebastian KönigsPublished:
This paper presents a study of the monthly dynamics of social assistance benefit receipt in four European countries: Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
The Norwegian productivity puzzle – not so puzzling after all?
Discussion Papers no. 796
Thomas von BraschPublished:
The Norwegian productivity puzzle is rooted in three seemingly contradictory “facts”:
Identifying the sector bias of technical change
Discussion Papers no. 795
Thomas von BraschPublished:
The empirical literature studying the sector bias of technical change has only focused on skill-biased technical change.
Field of study, earnings and self-selection
Discussion Papers no. 794
Lars J. Kirkebøen, Edwin Leuven and Magne MogstadPublished:
Why do individuals choose different types of post-secondary education, and what are the labor market consequences of those choices? We show that answering these questions is difficult because individuals choose between several unordered alternatives.
Political uncertainty and household savings
Discussion Papers no. 793
Rolf Aaberge, Kai Liu and Yu ZhuPublished:
This paper examines different approaches to the measurement of multidimensional inequality and poverty.
Multidimensional poverty and inequality
Discussion Papers no. 792
Rolf Aaberge and Andrea BrandolinoPublished:
This paper examines different approaches to the measurement of multidimensional inequality and poverty.
Desistance from crime
Discussion Papers no. 791
Torbjørn Skardhamar and Kjersti Nordgård AasePublished:
Previous studies have argued that marriage, parenthood and employment are important factors that lead to desistance from crime.
Why are there so few female entrepreneurs?
Discussion Papers no. 790
Arvid Raknerud and Marit RønsenPublished:
Women make up almost 50 percent of the employed population in Norway, but only about 25 percent of the entrepreneurs.
The entrepreneurial earnings puzzle
Discussion Papers no. 789
Arvid Raknerud and Mirjam van PraagPublished:
Empirical studies show that the pecuniary returns to an individual's decision to switch from wage employment to entrepreneurship are low.
The impacts of alternative policy instruments on environmental performance
Discussion Papers no. 788
Brita Bye and Marit E. KlemetsenPublished:
We study the effects of various environmental regulations on environmental performance measured as emission intensity.
The relationship between earnings and first birth probability among Norwegian men and women 1994-2008
Discussion Papers no. 787
Rannveig Vittersø KaldagerPublished:
I analyse whether the correlation between yearly earnings and the first birth probabilities changed in the period 1994-2009 in Norway, applying discrete-time hazard regressions to highly accurate data from population registers.
Labor supply as a discrete choice among latent jobs
Discussion Papers no. 786
Zhiyang Jia and John K. DagsvikPublished:
This paper discusses aspects of a framework for modeling labor supply where the notion of job choice is fundamental. In this framework, workers are assumed to have preferences over latent job opportunities belonging to worker-specific choice sets from which they choose their preferred job.
The fiscal incentive of GHG cap and trade
Discussion Papers no. 785
Jørgen Juel Andersen and Mads GreakerPublished:
The theoretical justification for a greenhouse gas (GHG) cap and trade system is that participants will trade emission permits until their marginal costs of abatement equal the equilibrium price of emission permits.
Women’s wages and fertility revisited
Discussion Papers no. 784
Tom Kornstad and Marit RønsenPublished:
Since the 1960s, Beckers’ New Home Economics has provided a central theoretical framework for studies of fertility behaviour. New Home Economics predict a negative effect of female wages on fertility.
Output-based rebating of carbon taxes in the neighbor’s backyard
Discussion Papers no. 783
Christoph Böhringer, Brita Bye, Taran Fæhn and Knut Einar RosendahlPublished:
We investigate how carbon taxes combined with output-based rebating (OBR) in an open economy perform in interaction with the carbon policies of a large neighboring trading partner.
Family welfare cultures
Discussion Papers no. 782
Gordon B. Dahl, Andreas Ravndal Kostøl and Magne MogstadPublished:
Strong intergenerational correlations in various types of welfare use have fueled a long-standing debate over whether welfare receipt in one generation causes welfare participation in the next generation.
Differences in childbearing by time frame of fertility intention: A study using survey and register data from Norway
Discussion Papers no. 781
Lars Dommermuth, Jane Klobas and Trude LappegårdPublished:
This paper focuses on the realization of positive fertility intentions with different time frames. The analyses are based on a unique combination of survey data and information from Norwegian administrative registers on childbearing in the years following the complete selected sample
Characteristics of parents with shared residence and father sole custody
Discussion Papers no. 780
Ragni Hege Kitterød and Jan LyngstadPublished:
Shared residence for children has increased considerably in recent years among parents living apart in Norway, while mother sole custody is less common than before and father sole custody is still practiced by a minority.
The equilibrium relationship between public and total employment
Discussion Papers no. 779
Erling HolmøyPublished:
This paper analyses the general equilibrium relationship between increases in tax financed public employment and total employment, emphasizing one income effect: Reallocating employment from the private to the public sector reduces non-labour income in the form of profits distributed to workers, since there are no profits in public sectors.
A comparison of the global warming effects of wood fuels and fossil fuels taking albedo into account
Discussion Papers no. 778
Bjart HoltsmarkPublished:
Traditionally, wood fuels, like other bioenergy sources, have been considered carbon neutral because the amount of CO 2 released can be offset by CO 2 sequestration due to the regrowth of the biomass.