Discussion papers
Discussion papers are preliminary research reports circulated for comments and suggestions.
Editors: Kjetil Telle, Bjart Holtsmark, Erling Holmøy, Terje Skjerpen, Kenneth Wiik, Aud Walseth (secretary)
Structural Labour Supply Models and Microsimulation
Discussion Papers no. 877
Rolf Aaberge and Ugo ColombinoPublished:
The purpose of the paper is to provide a discussion of the various approaches for accounting for labour supply responses in microsimulation models.
From Classes to Copulas: Wages, capital, and top incomes
Discussion Papers no. 876
Rolf Aaberge, Anthony B. Atkinson and Sebastian KönigsPublished:
Public debates about the rise in top income shares often focus on the growing dispersion in earnings, and the soaring pay for top executives and financial-sector employees.
Aggregate behavior in matching markets with flexible contracts and non-transferable representations of preferences
Discussion Papers no. 875
John K. Dagsvik and Zhiyang JiaPublished:
This paper modifies and extends the aggregate equilibrium models for matching markets developed earlier in the literature.
Who benefited from industrialization? The local effects of hydropower technology adoption
Discussion Papers no. 874
Stefan Leknes og Jørgen ModalsliPublished:
This paper studies the impact of the construction of hydropower facilities on labor market outcomes in Norway at the turn of the twentieth century (1891-1920).
Parenthood and couples’ relative earnings in Norway 2005-2014
Discussion Papers no. 873
Janna Bergsvik, Ragni Hege Kitterød, and Kenneth Aarskaug WiikPublished:
In the current paper, we investigate within-couple inequality in earnings using Norwegian register data on married and cohabiting couples.
Productivity growth, firm turnover and new varieties
Discussion Papers no. 872
Thomas von Brasch, Diana-Cristina Iancu, Arvid RaknerudPublished:
We reconcile two different strands of the literature: the literature on how new goods impact prices and the literature on productivity growth and firm turnover.
Encompassing tests for evaluating multi-step system forecasts invariant to linear transformations
Discussion Papers no. 871
Håvard HungnesPublished:
The paper suggests two encompassing tests for evaluating multi-step system forecasts invariant to linear transformations.
Child care center staff composition and early child development
Discussion Papers no. 870
Nina Drange and Marte RønningPublished:
We estimate effects of child care center staff composition on early child development. During the years our data covers, child care centers in Oslo were oversubscribed, and child care slots were allocated through a lottery.
Productivity dispersion and measurement errors
Discussion Papers no. 869
Thomas von Brasch, Diana-Cristina Iancu and Terje SkjerpenPublished:
We outline a novel procedure to identify the role of measurement errors in explaining the empirical dispersion in productivity across establishments.
Exact and inexact decompositions of international price indices
Discussion Papers no. 868
Pål BougPublished:
Decompositions of international price indices are usually inexact in the sense that the underlying aggregator formula is not exactly reproduced.
The efficient combination of taxes on fuel and vehicles
Discussion Papers no. 867
Geir H. M. BjertnæsPublished:
A tax on fuel combined with tax-exemptions or subsidies for purchase of fuel-efficient vehicles is implemented in many countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other negative externalities from road traffic.
Churning in thick labor markets
Discussion Papers no. 866
Stefan LeknesPublished:
Using a very large comprehensive matched employer-employee panel of the Norwegian workforce (19 million observations), I find a higher likelihood of job change across sectors and occupations, namely labor churning, in populous areas.
Match quality in housing transactions
Discussion Papers no. 865
Erlend Eide BøPublished:
Match quality, the part of housing value to the buyer which is unique for each buyer-house match, is important in several housing market matching models, but measuring it is difficult for an econ-ometrician.
Tony Atkinson and his legacy
Discussion Papers no. 863
Rolf Aaberge, François Bourguignon, Andrea Brandolini, Francisco H. G. Ferreira, Janet C. Gornick, John Hills, Markus Jäntti, Stephen P. Jenkins, Eric Marlier, John Micklewright, Brian Nolan, Thomas Piketty, Walter J. Radermacher, Timothy M. Smeeding, Nicholas H. Stern, Joseph Stiglitz, Holly SutherlandPublished:
This collective tribute highlights the range, depth and importance of Tony’s enormous legacy, the product of over fifty years’ work.
Regulation in the presence of adjustment costs and resource scarcity: transition dynamics and intertemporal effects
Discussion Papers no. 864
Announcement of future environmental regulation is likely to reduce current emissions in the combined presence of resource scarcity and adjustment costs.
Optimal location of renewable power
Discussion Papers no. 862
Henrik Bjørnebye, Cathrine Hagem, and Arne LindPublished:
A decarbonization of the energy sector calls for large new investments in renewable energy production. When choosing the location for increased production capacity, the producer has typically limited incentives to take fully into account the investments costs of the subsequent need for increased grid capacity.
Immigration and the Dutch disease
Discussion Papers no. 860
Ådne Cappelen and Torbjørn EikaPublished:
The EU-enlargement in 2004 increased labour migration and affected the Norwegian labour market in particular. We study how this modified the Dutch disease effects during the resource boom 2004- 2013.
Identifying fertility contagion using random fertility shocks
Discussion Papers no. 861
Sara Cools and Rannveig Kaldager HartPublished:
Does the fertility behavior of one individual affect the fertility choices of another? This study aims to estimate fertility contagion net of unobserved heterogeneity, using sibling networks as an empirical example.
Life expectancy and claiming behavior in a flexible pension system
Discussion Papers no. 859
Christian N. Brinch, Dennis Fredriksen, Ola VestadPublished:
We study the relationship between early claiming of pensions and incentives in the highly flexible Norwegian public pension system, measuring incentives to claim based on an estimated model for expected longevity.
Long term impacts of class size in compulsory school
Discussion Papers no. 858
Edwin Leuven and Sturla A. LøkkenPublished:
How does class size in compulsory school affect peoples’ long run education and earnings?