New research
Articles on research results are presented here.
A unit-error theory for register-based household statistics
Theory and methods in survey sampling
The next round of census will be completely register-based in all the Nordic countries. Household is a key statistical unit in this context. In a Discussion Paper Li-Chun Zhang outline a unit-error theory which provides a framework for evaluating the statistical accuracy of these register-based household statistics, and illustrate its use through an application to the Norwegian register household data.
Indirect inference methods for stochastic volatility models
Econometric methods and microeconometrics
A Discussion Paper by Arvid Raknerud and Øivind Skare aims to develop new methods for statistical inference in a class of stochastic volatility models for financial data based on non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) processes.
On the measurement of environmental taxes
Energy and environmental policy
In a new Discussion Paper Annegrete Bruvoll discusses the distinctions between the Pigouvian and the fiscal taxes in light of tax theory. The revenues following the Eurostat et al. statistical basis deviate significantly from the revenues from the environmental taxes defined on the basis of theory. Steps should be taken to harmonize the international statistics of environmental taxes with economic tax theory.
Green certificates and the effect on the climate
Climate policy and economics
By studying the market effects of green certificates, Torstein Bye and Michael Hoel show that the effect will not be anything like that anticipated, neither for the energy market nor for the climate. They conclude that the certificates are expensive and pointless renewable fun.
The Economy of the North 2008
Sustainable development
The Economy of the North 2008 presents a comprehensive overview of the economy of the circumpolar Arctic, including the traditional production activities of the indigenous people. The report discusses the importance of the Arctic economy from a global perspective, with particular focus on the natural resources in the Arctic region.
Ikke mer ensomhet enn før
Levekår og sosial deltaking
Samfunnsutviklingen de siste 30 årene har ikke ført til mer ensomhet og isolasjon i det norske samfunnet. Enkelte utviklingstrekk peker i motsatt retning. Vi har flere fortrolige vennskap nå enn tidligere.
Social integration in Norway
Living conditions and social participartion
Does economic growth and concomitant improvements in living conditions lead to more loneliness and insufficient social integration? In his thesis, Anders Barstad seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of welfare trends in modern society, using Norway as a case.
Selvforsterkende mekanismer vil forsterke følgene av finanskrisen
Macroeconometric modelling
Selvforsterkende mekanismer mellom utlånsvirksomhet, aksjekurser og realøkonomisk aktivitet vil bidra til å forverre konsekvensen av dagens finanskrise. Årsaken til dette er at etterspørselen har blitt for høy i forhold til kapasiteten i økonomien og at korreksjonen blir større enn det den ellers ville ha blitt.