More deaths from lower respiratory diseases
dodsarsak, Causes of death (terminated in Statistics Norway), causes of death (for example cancer, cardiovascular diseases, accidents), deaths, place of death, fatal accidents, suicide, cot deaths, infant mortalityBirths and deaths, Causes of death, Population, Health

Causes of death (terminated in Statistics Norway)1999

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has the role of data processor for the Cause of Death Registry as from 1 January 2014, and is the publisher of causes of death statistics from the statistical year 2013. Applications for access to data held in the Cause of Death Registry should be sent to datatilgang@fhi.no.



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More deaths from lower respiratory diseases

1 011 men and 767 women died from chronic lower respiratory diseases in 1999. This is 4 per cent of all deaths from diseases in 1999. For women the rate of death caused by chronic lower respiratory diseases increased by 85 percent from 1989 to 1999.

Chronic lower respiratory diseases include different kinds of bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, bronchiectasi and other obstructive lung diseases (COLD).

There has been a strong increase in deaths from chronic lower respiratory diseases from 1989 to 1999. In 1989 these diseases caused 2.6 per cent of all deaths of diseases. The increase has been stronger for women than for men. For women the rate of death caused by chronic lower respiratory diseases increased by 85 percent from 1989 to 1999, while the corresponding increase for men was 47. In total, there has been an increase of 59 per cent in the period.

Respiratory diseases caused 4 374 deaths in 1999. 53 per cent of the deaths in this group were attributable to pneumonia and influenza. Influenza itself caused 200 deaths, an increase from 140 in 1998. 132 women died from this disease in 1999.

 Deaths from chronic lower respiratory diseases, by sex. 1989-1999

AIDS deaths still decreasing

42 633 died from diseases in 1999, 20 942 men and 21 691 women. The largest group of deaths is diseases in the circulatory system, which 9 227 men and 10 013 women died from in 1999. 8 744 of these 19 240 deaths were caused by ischemic heart diseases, which includes heart infarct and angina pectoris. Vascular diseases, including among others stroke, constituted 4 736 deaths in 1999.

Deaths from malignant neoplasm remain stable. In 1999 10 413 died from cancer, 5 672 men and 4 741 women, while the number in 1998 was 10 340. The most frequent causes of cancer deaths are lung, prostate, mammae, colon and ventricle cancer. Leukemia and other tumors in blood-forming organs caused 913 deaths. Deaths from malignant neoplasm in 1999 without a specific primary site contributed to 6 per cent of these deaths as in 1998.

AIDS caused 12 deaths last year, which is a decline compared with 1998 when this disease caused 27 deaths.

Fall-accidents caused 960 deaths

2 481 died from external causes, 1 474 men and 1 007 women. Most deaths from external causes were due to accidents (in total 1 843, 1 008 men and 835 women). Falls, which are the most frequent cause of accidental death, were 960. Transport accidents caused 349 deaths, while water transport accidents contributed to 47 deaths. 66 died from intoxications in 1999; which is the same as in 1998.

Suicide led to 583 deaths in 1999; the corresponding number in 1998 was 548. 38 died from assaults in 1999, (24 men and 14 women), compared with 41 in 1998.

7 children died from external cause

In 1999 there were 239 deaths among children in their first year of life, 140 boys and 99 girls. 7 children died a violent death, 4 boys and 3 girls. 165 died in the first four weeks of life. The most frequent causes of deaths are complications during pregnancy, labour and delivery and congenital malformations and chromosomal abnormalities.

14 deaths from sudden death of unknown cause (SIDS) were registered in 1999. This is 15 fewer than in the previous year.

