Income and consumption;Population;Social conditions, welfare and crime
The statistics provide an overview of cash transfers to families with children in Norway, including paternal benefit and child benefit among other.

Cash transfers to families with children (discontinued)2014


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Cash transfers to families with children (discontinued)
Topic: Income and consumption

Responsible division

Division for Income and Wage Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Age is registered at the end of the fiscal year.

County is derived from municipality at the end of the year.

Parental benefit on birth . The purpose of parental benefit is to ensure income for parents in connection with the birth of a child. Holiday pay from parental benefit on birth and parental benefit on adoption is not included.

Maternity grant on birth and adoption . If a woman does not have the right to maternity parental benefits, she may be granted a lump-sum maternity grant for each child.

Family allowances are paid for all children under the age of 18 years who live in Norway. The purpose is to help cover the costs of raising children. Single parents are entitled to extended family allowances.

Cash for care may be granted for children between one and two years of age, and for adopted children who have not started school. The benefit may be given to parents with children who do not use publicly maintained day care institutions full time.

Transitional benefit . The purpose of transitional benefit is to ensure sufficient income to cover living expenses for single mothers and fathers who are the sole carer of a child. Transitional benefit is granted for a limited period and varies according to the child's age and needs.

Child care benefit is a benefit for single parents to help them pay for child minding so they can work, actively seek work or study.

Education benefit is a benefit for single parents who are taking necessary education or training who are entitled to transitional training.

For more information about the different cash transfers, see nav.no

Standard classifications

Not relevant

Administrative information

Regional level

National level, county.

Frequency and timeliness

Annual. During the second quarter one year after the current income year.

International reporting

Not relevant


Data files with individual income data that have gone through the linkage and statistics files are stored.


Background and purpose

The purpose of the statistics is to present an overview of cash transfers to families with children. The various transfers are included in Income statistics for households. From spring 2010, these transfers will be published approximately 10 months earlier than Income statistics for households.

Users and applications

Relevant statistics in demand by ministries, research institutions and the media.

Equal treatment of users

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Coherence with other statistics

Statistics for cash transfers to families with children are included in Income statistics for households.

Legal authority

Statistics Act §§ 2-1, 3-2.

EEA reference

Not relevant



All persons residing in Norway as of 31 December of the fiscal year who have received transfers for families with children during the year.

Cf. section 4.1. which lists the direct cash transfers that are included in these statistics.

Indirect transfers, such as care benefit in connection with the child or the person who normally looks after the sick child, subsidised day care institutions, indirect transfers through the tax system as parent's tax deduction for children care expenses and those taxed in class 2 are not included.

Other benefits that vary according to needs, such as social assistance, dwelling support, etc. to families with children are not included. These benefits are part of Income statistics for households.

Child support managed by public arrangement (NAV) is not included because child support is supposed to be a private transfer.


Data sources and sampling

Income data are obtained by linking different administrative registers and statistical data sources for the whole population as of 31 December of the fiscal year. Income and biographical data are collected from the following sources:

  • The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV): Parental benefit on birth, maternity grant on birth and adoption, family allowances, cash for care, education benefit, and as of 2015, child care benefit
  • End of the Year Certificate Register (until 2014): transitional benefit, child care benefit
  • Presupplied information of the personal tax return of the Norwegian Tax Administration (2015 onwards): transitional benefit
  • Population statistics, Statistics Norway

Total census.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Data are collected from various administrative registers, cf. section 3.2.

Consistency controls are undertaken by comparing information from different sources.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


The use of collected data will be in accordance with the standards of the Statistics Act. The information will be stored responsibly.

Comparability over time and space

The regulations for cash transfers to families with children have gone through several significant changes through the years: i.e. parent's tax deduction was abolished in 2000 and cash for care was introduced in 1998. Regulations for family allowances have undergone several changes.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Some data collection and processing errors are unavoidable. These include coding errors, revision errors and data processing errors etc. Comprehensive efforts have been made to minimise these errors, and we regard these types of errors to be relatively insignificant.


Not relevant