6 per cent increase in assessed taxes
Income and consumption;Public sector
skattoppgjor, Tax statement, tax assessment, capital tax, surtax, tax arrears, BSU (savings scheme for adolescents to buy house)Tax accounts , Personal tax, Income and consumption, Public sector

Tax statement2004



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6 per cent increase in assessed taxes

Total assessed taxes for personal taxpayers amounted to NOK 250.1 billion in 2004, an increase of 6 per cent from the previous year. Average taxes amounted to NOK 73 300.

The statistics include all personal taxpayers in 2004; employees and pensioners that had their tax settlement in June are also included.

Income and wealth taxes

Total assessed taxes before deductions amounted to NOK 273.4 billion. Of this county income tax amounted to NOK 103.7 billion, community tax was NOK 80.1 billion, and wealth tax NOK 8.6 billion. Surtax amounted to NOK 16.5 billion and membership contribution to the national insurance amounted to NOK 63.5 billion.

Tax deduction and reduction

Total tax deduction and tax reduction amounted to NOK 23.3 billion. Of this 75 per cent was tax deduction for received dividends.

About the statistics

The statistics is based on the Directorate of taxes' tax settlement database.
