Increase in surtax
Income and consumption;Public sector
skattoppgjor, Tax statement, tax assessment, capital tax, surtax, tax arrears, BSU (savings scheme for adolescents to buy house)Tax accounts , Personal tax, Income and consumption, Public sector

Tax statement2007



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Increase in surtax

Preliminary figures from the 2007 tax settlement shows that total assessed taxes after deductions amounted to NOK 224 billion, an increase of 13 per cent compared with the previous year.

In relative terms, the surtax has had the highest increase since last year. Surtax amounted to NOK 10.7 billion in 2007, an increase of 35 per cent compared with 2006.

Assessed taxes and deductions

Total assessed taxes before deductions amounted to NOK 229.9 billion, of which county income tax amounted to NOK 81.8 billion, national common tax amounted to NOK 71.4 billion and wealth tax amounted to NOK 6.3 billion. Surtax and membership contributions to the National Insurance Scheme amounted to NOK 10.7 billion and NOK 59.6 billion, respectively. Compared with the previous year, county income tax increased by 4 per cent and national common tax by 25 per cent.

NOK 21.7 billion in refundable tax

A total of 2.2 million persons receive a tax refund. The average amount is NOK 9 600. A total of 494 000 persons have underpaid tax according to the June tax settlement. The average amount of underpaid tax is NOK 12 700.

About the statistics

The statistics are based on the Directorate of Taxes’ tax settlement database and include employees and pensioners who receive their tax settlement in June. The remaining tax settlement for personal taxpayers is carried out in October. Personal taxpayers who are not included in the June tax settlement are self-employed, employees and pensioners married to self-employed, and employees and pensioners with complex tax assessments.

For more information, see About the statistics .
